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Info Node: (tramp)Installation parameters

(tramp)Installation parameters

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Parameters in order to control installation.

By default, `make install' will install TRAMP's files in
`/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp' and `/usr/local/info'.  You can
specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
`configure' the option `--prefix=PATH'.

   If your installed copy of Emacs is named something other than
`emacs', you will need to tell `make' where to find it so that it can
correctly byte-compile the TRAMP sources.

   For example, to force the use of XEmacs you might do this:

     ./configure --with-xemacs
     make install

   or this:

     make EMACS=/usr/bin/xemacs-21.4
     make install

   The syntax of TRAMP file names is different for Emacs and
XEmacs.  The Info manual will be generated for the Emacs flavor choosen
in the `configure' phase. If you want the Info manual for the other
version, you need to set the variable `EMACS_INFO' to `make':

     ./configure --with-emacs
     make EMACS_INFO=xemacs

   Also, the `--prefix=PATH' option to `configure' may not be general
enough to set the paths you want.  If not, you can pass variables to
the `make' command to control the installation.  For a complete list of
tweakable variables, look in the makefile.

   For example, to put the Lisp files in `~/elisp' and the Info file in
`~/info', you would type:

     make lispdir=~/elisp infodir=~/info install

   TRAMP has some packages in its `contrib' directory which are missing
in older Emacsen.  If you want to use them, you must use the
`USE_CONTRIB' environment variable:

     make USE_CONTRIB=1
     make USE_CONTRIB=1 install

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