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Wgetrc Location

   When initializing, Wget will look for a "global" startup file,
`/etc/wgetrc' by default (or some prefix other than `/usr/local', if
Wget was not installed there) and read commands from there, if it

   Then it will look for the user's file.  If the environmental variable
`WGETRC' is set, Wget will try to load that file.  Failing that, no
further attempts will be made.

   If `WGETRC' is not set, Wget will try to load `$HOME/.wgetrc'.

   The fact that user's settings are loaded after the system-wide ones
means that in case of collision user's wgetrc _overrides_ the
system-wide wgetrc (in `/etc/wgetrc' by default).  Fascist admins, away!

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