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Driver API description

   To port sucessfully XaoS to some platform you need:

   * ANSI C compatible optimizing compiler. Note that optimizing
     compiler is really required, since XaoS is coded to be good target
     for optimizations and don't have any routines coded in assembly,
     so if you will use some bad compiler, you should receive more than
     ten times slower result. Also note that some compilers has serious
     problems with compiling XaoS -- like most of DOS compilers (Watcom
     C, Borland C, Microsoft C etc...), plan9 compiler also has serious
     problms with `formulas.c' . They generate incorrect code or crash
     during compilation. I highly recomend to use GNU C compiler.

   * Fast way to avoid division by zero/owerflow and other floating
     point exception. XaoS is curefully coded to not to crash in this
     case, but don't have any tests to avoid such situation and expect
     random result in such case.  Many plantforms provide way to switch
     coprocesor into mode, where 1/0 is evaulated into Inf etc. I there
     is no such way, try to use some kind of signal handler that will
     ignore such exceptions. This way should be slow, so if you really
     must use it, please contact me and we shall discuss speed
     issues/add some tests into most freqvent exceptions in XaoS. If
     your platform don't provide any such way, contact me too and I
     will have to introduce plenty of tests as ifdef, wich shlould
     greatly polute code and redce speed :(.

   * Text or graphics output device. If you have only text output
     device, you may use AA driver, wich renders fractals into high
     quality ASCII art. In this case you might skip this section,
     download AA-lib ( and read porting section
     of AAlib manual. Graphics device must one of:

        * 8bits per pixel with user definable palette `C256'

        * 8bits per pixel with static palette `FIXEDCOLOR'

        * 8bits per pixel with static grayscale `GRAYSCALE'

        * 16bits per pixel with 5 bits per each color, Red first, Green
          last `REALCOLOR'

        * 16bits per pixel with 5 bits per green and blue, 6 for green,
          red first `HICOLOR'

        * 24bits per pixel with 8 bits per each color, Red first

        * 24bits per pixel with 8 bits per each color, Red first

        * 32bits per pixel with highest 8 bit unused, otherwise like
          previous `TRUECOLOR'

        * 32bits per pixel with highest 8 bit unused, otherwise like
          previous at little edian machine `TRUECOLORMI'

        * 1bits per pixe, zero is black, most significant bit first,
          lines are aligned `MBITMAP'

        * 1bits per pixe, zero is black, most significant bit last,
          lines are aligned `LBITMAP'

        * 1bits per pixe, zero is white, most significant bit first,
          lines are aligned `MIBITMAP'

        * 1bits per pixe, zero is white, most significant bit last,
          lines are aligned `LIBITMAP'

     Please contact me if you have different kind of device. Some modes
     (like missordered truecolor modes) should be added really easily
     if required.  Note that mono/16 colors devices will be probably
     never supported internally by XaoS, since I expect they will be
     slower than 8bpp, so XaoS will internally work in 8bpp and then
     image should be converted. Contact me if you want to write such

   * Some way to save images. By default XaoS uses pnglib, wich is
     ported to many platforms, but there is still many other. If your
     system has some standard image format, wich is easier to handle
     than .png, contact me and I will show you, how to add such support
     to XaoS.

   * Stdio compatible library (this is problem at Mac or BeOS)

   Ugly interface is designed to make writing of new drivers as easy as
possible.  You need to write just few functions to fill following table:
(use file `ui_template' for starting of writing new driver from scrath)
     struct ui_driver {
       char *name;
       int (*init)(void);            /*initializing function. returns 0 if fail*/
       void (*getsize)(int *,int *);	/*get current full-screen versions
                                       i.e svga and dos asks user for it*/
       void (*processevents)(int,int *,int *,int *,int *);
                                     /*processevents..calls ui_resize,ui_key
                                       also returns positions of mouse..
                                       waits for event if first parameter is
       void (*getmouse)(int *,int *,int *);
                                     /*returns current mouse positions*/
       void (*uninit)();             /*called before exit*/
       int (*set_color)(int,int,int,int);
                                     /*alloc palette color and returns number*/
       int (*set_range)(ui_palette *palette,int start,int end)
                                     /*Set palette range*/
       void (*print)(int,int,char *);/*prints text*/
       void (*display)();            /*displays bitmap*/
       int (*alloc_buffers)(char **buffer1,char **buffer2);/*makes buffers*/
       void (*free_buffers)(char *buffer1,char *buffer2);/*frees buffers*/
       void (*flip_buffers)(void);   /*prints text*/
       void (*clrscr)(void);         /*Clear screen*/
       void (*mousetype) (int type); /*Change mouse cursor*/
       void (*driveropt) (void);     /*Driver depended actions*/
       void (*flush) (void);         /*Flush current state to screen*/
       int textwidth;                /*width of text*/
       int textheight;		/*height of text*/
       char **help;                  /*help text*/
       int helpsize;                 /*size of help in lines*/
       struct params *params;        /*command line parameters*/
       int flags;
       float width,height;
       int maxwidth,maxheight;
       int imagetype;
       int palettestart,paletteend,maxentries;


   Ui uses following functions to communicate with driver:

 - Function: init
     function that initializes driver and returns 1 if success and 0 if

 - Function: getsize (INT *WIDTH,INT *HEIGHT)
     returns size of screen(window) x and y

 - Function: processevents (INT WAIT, INT *X,INT *Y, INT *BUTTONMASK,
          INT &KEYS)
     gets new keyboard/mouse events. parameters:
          if 1 function can wait for next event otherwise just lookup if
                    something comed. This is usefull on multitasked os
          where xaos 	   does not eats unnecesaru cpi.

          here returns current positions of mouse

          returns mask of `BUTTON1',`BUTTON2',`BUTTON3' for mouse

          returns mask for cursor keys
               `1'     left     `2'     right     `4'     up     `8'
               down             function also calls `ui_key'(ASCII
     character) and ui_resize if required

     note in case of problems freeing/allocating inside processevents
     you may     call `ui_call_resize' that calls resize later outside
     this function

 - Function: uninit
     Unitialises driver -- called before exit.

 - Function: set_range(UI_PALETTE *PALETTE, INT START, INT END)
     This is an preffered way to set palette (second way is `set_color')
     when `imagetype' is `UI_C256' (256 color with palette) one of this
     two functions is required. In truecolor modes they are unused. In
     case direct access to palette is possible at your platform, define
     this one. Function is expected to set all color cells between
     START to END to colors defined in PALETTE. `Ui_palette' is array
     of UI_RGB. `Palette[0]' is color for entry number START. `Ui_rgb'
     is an array of `char'.  `Palette[0][0]' is red field of entry
     number START, `Palette[0][1]' is green and `Palette[0][2]' is
     blue. `0' means black and `255' means full intensity. Use `NULL'
     if your driver don't support this call.

 - Function: set_color (INT R,INT G,INT B,INT INIT)
     This is an secondary way, that should be used at platforms w/o
     direct   palette access (like X11 or static color schemes). It
     receives RGB value   of color, and returns index of color cell
     with this color or -1 if no more   color cells available. An INIT
     parameter is set to 1, when first entry   of palette is allocated,
     `set_color' is expected to free all color   entries previously
     allocated. Use `NULL' if your driver don't support   this call

 - Function: print (INT `x',INT `y', CHAR *`text')
     prints text to screen at possition x/y

 - Function: display (VOID)
     displays current buffer to screen

 - Function: alloc_buffers (CHAR **BUFFER1,CHAR **BUFFER2)
     allocs two buffers that can hold screen size bitmap.    Also sets
     current buffer to buffer1. Since version 2.1 returns scanline
     size in bytes(usually width) and 0 if fail. This is usefull on
     systems, that   allocated bitmap bigger than
     window/screen(dividable by 4 or so)

 - Function: free_buffers(CHAR *BUFFER1,CHAR *BUFFER2)
     frees allocated buffers

 - Function: flip_buffer (VOID)
     flips buffers -- set current buffer to other one

 - Function: flush (VOID)
     This function should be used by drivers with buffered output to
     flush   output buffers. Other driver should set it to NULL.

 - Function: rotate_palette (INT DIRRECTION)
     function used for palette rotating. It is not required. Set to
     NULL if   it is unimplemented in your driver.

     When rotating is on this function is periodicaly called with
     direction   attribute. It must rotate all colors
     1-number_of_allocated direction steps   forward except first one.
     This should be implemented also using cmap array   in
     zoom_context that contains correct rgb values.

     So you may use ui_getcontext to get zoom_context and then   set
     context->numcolors colors in array cmap.

 - Function: mousetype (INT TYPE)
     This function is used to change mouse cursor. It receives
     following values:
          This mouse is usually displayed at screen, when UI waits for
          user      commands

          This mouse is displayed when UI is busy(should be famous wait
          clocks)      or you may use mouse defined in ui_dos --
          mandelbrot set

          This mouse is displayed during replay. Should be none at
          fullscreen      drivers, since blinking mouse cursor during
          replay looks ugly. At      windowed system disabling mouse
          looks ugly, so it should be some funny      cursor.
     You should use NULL if your driver don't support this.

 - Function: clrscr (VOID)
     This function is

 - Function: driveropt (VOID)
     This is an optional function (should be set to NULL) that should
     be used for   various driver depended actions. You should use
     ui_menu call (see uinew.c   for examples of usage) to make some
     driver depended menu.

Other information

   Also some additional variables are used to inform ui about driver.
All this values can be changed by init functions in case they are
unknown before.

     width and height of your font

     First and last palette entry, that should be changed. This you
     should use   to avoid changing of entries reserved for window
     system, text, mouse etc.

     Number of allocatable entries. Normally should be

     defines type of image. Should be one of following values:
          clasical 256 color with palette scheme used by most older
          graphics     adapters. You should use it also for staticcolor
          schemes but they are     not supported well in current

          32bpp truecolor mode

          24bpp truecolor mode.

          16bpp hicolor mode (65536 colors)

          16bpp realcolor mode (32768 colors)

WORKING.  so you may skip to REGISTERING DRIVER for first read and
return here later.

     help text. This text is displayed at the end of ui' help. So you
     can put   your copyright there and additional informations about

     number of lines of help

     Using this you may define command line options for you driver.

     They are defined using params structure like:
            static struct params params[]={
                "Select graphics mode(same number as in interactive menu)"},
              {NULL,0,NULL,NULL}  /*this is MUST be last option field*/

     every line is one parameters. List ends with `{NULL,0,NULL,NULL}'.
      First filed is option name.    Second field is type of parameter:
          no parameter - variable is just set to 1 if option

          integer number


          floating point number (variable is float)     Third is
     pointer to variable that is changed if option is set.    It is for
     example `int*' for `P_NUMBER' or `P_SWITCH' and so on..    Last
     one is help text. Displayed by `ui -h'

     see FLAGS. May be set to `0.0, 0.0' for the begining

     see FLAGS. May be set to 0,0 for the begining

     This variable says more about your driver. You may start with
     value 0.    But for final version it is recomeded to read
     following section curefully.

     Flags are uppercase constants and should be set by following way:


     following switches are supported:

          random size of palette. This is used in X where palette is
          shared between     programs. By default xaos allocates all
          available colors up to 256. This     is not very nice to
          other aplications in X. So randomsize causes that     just
          some random number of colors(between 8-256) are allocated.

          Also when this variable is off XaoS expects that allways same
          number of     colors is available.

          recalculate and redraw screen even if its size is not changed.
             In case that resize precodure destruys data in buffers
     Palette rotation options:

     Palette rotation should be implemented by various ways.      You
     may define following values to let xaos know about
     features/limitations     of your implementetion:

          call rotate routing inside calculation loop too?       (vbuff
          should include incorrect data)

          If you rotate_palette function displays buffers(like in
          truecolor modes. Set this to 1 and ui will handle this more
            effectivly)        Screen/window size informations

     Xaos needs to know exact size of displayed images. This is required
        for random dot stereograms and also for keeping fractals in
     their shape     (do not make them wide on 640x200 resolution etc.)
        So minimally one of the following values should be defined.
      (they are sorted in order I preffer them)
          values width/height specifies exact size of screen/window in

          values width/height specifies exact size of one pixel in
          centimeters      This is better for windowed enviroments
          where window size is often changed

          driver runs fullscreen. XaoS automatically uses default
          screen size      (29.0cm x 21.5cm)

          driver does not know exact screen size. But knows resolution
          used.       (it is in variables width/height) XaoS
          automatically calculates      pixel width
          using:29.0cm/maxwidth      and height: 21.5/maxheight
     Of course default width and height can be changed by command line
     options.     You may also use combinations like:

          the best for fullscreen drivers

          the best for windowed drivers

          for fullscreen drivers than have no idea about screen size...
                do not forget to set WIDTH, HEIGHT, MAXWIDTH,
     MAXHEIGHT fields if required.

Registering driver

   Than just register driver to `driver.c' and you may compile :) You
may use `ui_template.c' as driver template..

   You may also look at xthreads library description if you are porting
XaoS to some SMP platofrm.

   Please let me know if you want to start code some driver.

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