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Bindable Commands

In addition to the context-dependent completions provided, which are
expected to work in an intuitively obvious way, there are a few widgets
implementing special behaviour which can be bound separately to keys.
The following is a list of these and their default bindings.

     This function is used by two widgets, _bash_complete-word and
     _bash_list-choices.  It exists to provide compatibility with
     completion bindings in bash.  The last character of the binding
     determines what is completed: `!', command names; `$', environment
     variables; `@', host names; `/', file names; `~' user names.  In
     bash, the binding preceded by `\e' gives completion, and preceded
     by `^X' lists options.  As some of these bindings clash with
     standard zsh bindings, only `\e~' and `^X~' are bound by default.
     To add the rest, the following should be added to .zshrc after
     compinit has been run:

          for key in '!' '$' '@' '/' '~'; do
            bindkey "\e$key" _bash_complete-word
            bindkey "^X$key" _bash_list-choices

     This includes the bindings for `~' in case they were already bound
     to something else; the completion code does not override user

_correct_filename (^XC)
     Correct the filename path at the cursor position.  Allows up to
     six errors in the name.  Can also be called with an argument to
     correct a filename path, independently of zle; the correction is
     printed on standard output.

_correct_word (^Xc)
     Performs correction of the current argument using the usual
     contextual completions as possible choices. This stores the string
     `correct-word' in the FUNCTION field of the context name and then
     calls the _correct completer.

_expand_alias (^Xa)
     This function can be used as a completer and as a bindable command.
     It expands the word the cursor is on if it is an alias.  The types
     of aliases expanded can be controlled with the regular, global and
     disabled styles.

     When used as a bindable command there is one additional feature
     that can be selected by setting the complete style to `true'.  In
     this case, if the word isn't the name of an alias, _expand_alias
     tries to complete the word to a full alias name without expanding
     it (but leaving the cursor directly after the completed word so
     that invoking _expand_alias once more will expand the now-complete
     alias name).

_expand_word (^Xe)
     Performs expansion on the current word:  equivalent to the standard
     expand-word command, but using the _expand completer.  Before
     calling it, the FUNCTION field is set to `expand-word'.

     This function is not defined as a widget and not bound by default.
     However, it can be used to define a widget and will then store the
     name of the widget in the FUNCTION field of the context and call
     the completion system. This allows custom completion widgets with
     their own set of style settings to be easily defined. For example,
     to define a widget that does normal completion and starts menu
     selection, one could do:

          zle -C foo complete-word _generic
          bindkey '...' foo
          zstyle ':completion:foo:*' menu yes select=1

_history_complete_word (\e/)
     Complete words from the shell's command history. This uses the
     list, remove-all-dups, sort, and stop styles.

_most_recent_file (^Xm)
     Complete the name of the most recently modified file matching the
     pattern on the command line (which may be blank).  If given a
     numeric argument N, complete the Nth most recently modified file.
     Note the completion, if any, is always unique.

_next_tags (^Xn)
     This command alters the set of matches used to that for the next
     tag, or set of tags, either as given by the tag-order style or as
     set by default; these matches would otherwise not be available.
     Successive invocations of the command cycle through all possible
     sets of tags.

_read_comp (^X^R)
     Prompt the user for a string, and use that to perform completion
     on the current word.  There are two possibilities for the string.
     First, it can be a set of words beginning `_', for example `_files
     -/', in which case the function with any arguments will be called
     to generate the completions.  Unambiguous parts of the function
     name will be completed automatically (normal completion is not
     available at this point) until a space is typed.

     Second, any other string will be passed as a set of arguments to
     compadd and should hence be an expression specifying what should
     be completed.

     A very restricted set of editing commands is available when
     reading the string:  `DEL' and `^H' delete the last character;
     `^U' deletes the line, and `^C' and `^G' abort the function, while
     `RET' accepts the completion.  Note the string is used verbatim as
     a command line, so arguments must be quoted in accordance with
     standard shell rules.

     Once a string has been read, the next call to _read_comp will use
     the existing string instead of reading a new one.  To force a new
     string to be read, call _read_comp with a numeric argument.

_complete_debug (^X?)
     This widget performs ordinary completion, but captures in a
     temporary file a trace of the shell commands executed by the
     completion system.  Each completion attempt gets its own file.  A
     command to view each of these files is pushed onto the editor
     buffer stack.

_complete_help (^Xh)
     This widget displays information about the context names, the
     tags, and the completion functions used when completing at the
     current cursor position. If given a numeric argument other than 1
     (as in `ESC-2 ^Xh'), then the styles used and the contexts for
     which they are used will be shown, too.

     Note that the information about styles may be incomplete; it
     depends on the information available from the completion functions
     called, which in turn is determined by the user's own styles and
     other settings.

_complete_tag (^Xt)
     This widget completes symbol tags created by the etags or ctags
     programmes (note there is no connection with the completion
     system's tags) stored in a file TAGS, in the format used by etags,
     or tags, in the format created by ctags.  It will look back up the
     path hierarchy for the first occurrence of either file; if both
     exist, the file TAGS is preferred.  You can specify the full path
     to a TAGS or tags file by setting the parameter $TAGSFILE or
     $tagsfile respectively.  The corresponding completion tags used
     are etags and vtags, after emacs and vi respectively.

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