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ZLE Functions


These functions all implement user-defined ZLE widgets (see Note: Zsh
Line Editor) which can be bound to keystrokes in interactive shells.
To use them, your .zshrc should contain lines of the form

     autoload FUNCTION
     zle -N FUNCTION

followed by an appropriate bindkey command to associate the function
with a key sequence.  Suggested bindings are described below.

bash-forward-word, bash-backward-word
bash-kill-word, bash-backward-kill-word
bash-up-case-word, bash-down-case-word
     These work similarly to the corresponding builtin zle functions
     without the `bash-' prefix, but a word is considered to consist of
     alphanumeric characters only.  If you wish to replace your
     existing bindings with these four widgets, the following is

          for widget in kill-word backward-kill-word \
          forward-word backward-word \
          up-case-word down-case-word \
          transpose-words; do
            autoload bash-$widget
            zle -N $widget bash-$widget

     After inserting an unambiguous string into the command line, the
     new function based completion system may know about multiple
     places in this string where characters are missing or differ from
     at least one of the possible matches.  It will then place the
     cursor on the position it considers to be the most interesting
     one, i.e. the one where one can disambiguate between as many
     matches as possible with as little typing as possible.

     This widget allows the cursor to be easily moved to the other
     interesting spots.  It can be invoked repeatedly to cycle between
     all positions reported by the completion system.

     Edit the command line using your visual editor, as in ksh.

          bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line

     This function implements the widgets
     history-beginning-search-backward-end and
     history-beginning-search-forward-end.  These commands work by first
     calling the corresponding builtin widget (see Note: History
     Control) and then moving the cursor to the end of the line.  The
     original cursor position is remembered and restored before calling
     the builtin widget a second time, so that the same search is
     repeated to look farther through the history.

     Although you autoload only one function, the commands to use it are
     slightly different because it implements two widgets.

          zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end \
          zle -N history-beginning-search-forward-end \
          bindkey '\e^P' history-beginning-search-backward-end
          bindkey '\e^N' history-beginning-search-forward-end

     Typing the keystrokes for this widget with the cursor placed on or
     to the left of an integer causes that integer to be incremented by
     one.  With a numeric prefix argument, the number is incremented by
     the amount of the argument (decremented if the prefix argument is
     negative).  The shell parameter incarg may be set to change the
     default increment something other than one.

          bindkey '^X+' incarg

     This allows incremental completion of a word.  After starting this
     command, a list of completion choices can be shown after every
     character you type, which you can delete with ^H or DEL.  Pressing
     return accepts the completion so far and returns you to normal
     editing (that is, the command line is _not_ immediately executed).
     You can hit TAB to do normal completion, ^G to abort back to the
     state when you started, and ^D to list the matches.

     This works only with the new function based completion system.

          bindkey '^Xi' incremental-complete-word

     This function allows you type a file pattern, and see the results
     of the expansion at each step.  When you hit return, all
     expansions are inserted into the command line.

          bindkey '^Xf' insert-files

     This set of functions implements predictive typing using history
     search.  After predict-on, typing characters causes the editor to
     look backward in the history for the first line beginning with
     what you have typed so far.  After predict-off, editing returns to
     normal for the line found.  In fact, you often don't even need to
     use predict-off, because if the line doesn't match something in
     the history, adding a key performs standard completion, and then
     inserts itself if no completions were found.  However, editing in
     the middle of a line is liable to confuse prediction; see the
     toggle style below.

     With the function based completion system (which is needed for
     this), you should be able to type TAB at almost any point to
     advance the cursor to the next ``interesting'' character position
     (usually the end of the current word, but sometimes somewhere in
     the middle of the word).  And of course as soon as the entire line
     is what you want, you can accept with return, without needing to
     move the cursor to the end first.

     The first time predict-on is used, it creates several additional
     widget functions:

          Replaces the backward-delete-char widget.  You do not need to
          bind this yourself.

          Implements predictive typing by replacing the self-insert
          widget.  You do not need to bind this yourself.

          Turns off predictive typing.

     Although you autoload only the predict-on function, it is
     necessary to create a keybinding for predict-off as well.

          zle -N predict-on
          zle -N predict-off
          bindkey '^X^Z' predict-on
          bindkey '^Z' predict-off

     This function may replace the insert-last-word widget, like so:

          zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word

     With a numeric prefix, it behaves like insert-last-word, except
     that words in comments are ignored when INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS is

     Otherwise, the rightmost ``interesting'' word from the previous
     command is found and inserted.  The default definition of
     ``interesting'' is that the word contains at least one alphabetic
     character, slash, or backslash.  This definition may be overridden
     by use of the match style.  The context used to look up the style
     is the widget name, so usually the context is :insert-last-word.
     However, you can bind this function to different widgets to use
     different patterns:

          zle -N insert-last-assignment smart-insert-last-word
          zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
          bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment


The behavior of several of the above widgets can be controlled by the
use of the zstyle mechanism.  In particular, widgets that interact with
the completion system pass along their context to any completions that
they invoke.

     This style is used by the incremental-complete-word widget. Its
     value should be a pattern, and all keys matching this pattern will
     cause the widget to stop incremental completion without the key
     having any further effect. Like all styles used directly by
     incremental-complete-word, this style is looked up using the
     context `:incremental'.

     The incremental-complete-word and insert-and-predict widgets set
     up their top-level context name before calling completion.  This
     allows one to define different sets of completer functions for
     normal completion and for these widgets.  For example, to use
     completion, approximation and correction for normal completion,
     completion and correction for incremental completion and only
     completion for prediction one could use:

          zstyle ':completion:*' completer \
                  _complete _correct _approximate
          zstyle ':completion:incremental:*' completer \
                  _complete _correct
          zstyle ':completion:predict:*' completer \

     It is a good idea to restrict the completers used in prediction,
     because they may be automatically invoked as you type.  The _list
     and _menu completers should never be used with prediction.  The
     _approximate, _correct, _expand, and _match completers may be
     used, but be aware that they may change characters anywhere in the
     word behind the cursor, so you need to watch carefully that the
     result is what you intended.

     The insert-and-predict widget uses this style, in the context
     `:predict', to decide where to place the cursor after completion
     has been tried.  Values are:

          The cursor is left where it was when completion finished, but
          only if it is after a character equal to the one just
          inserted by the user.  If it is after another character, this
          value is the same as `key'.

          The cursor is left after the Nth occurrence of the character
          just inserted, where N is the number of times that character
          appeared in the word before completion was attempted.  In
          short, this has the effect of leaving the cursor after the
          character just typed even if the completion code found out
          that no other characters need to be inserted at that position.

     Any other value for this style unconditionally leaves the cursor
     at the position where the completion code left it.

     When using the incremental-complete-word widget, this style says
     if the matches should be listed on every key press (if they fit on
     the screen).  Use the context prefix `:completion:incremental'.

     The insert-and-predict widget uses this style to decide if the
     completion should be shown even if there is only one possible
     completion.  This is done if the value of this style is the string
     always.  In this case the context is `:predict' (_not_

     This style is used by smart-insert-last-word to provide a pattern
     (using full EXTENDED_GLOB syntax) that matches an interesting word.
     The context is the name of the widget to which
     smart-insert-last-word is bound (see above).  The default behavior
     of smart-insert-last-word is equivalent to:

          zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:]/\\]*'

     However, you might want to include words that contain spaces:

          zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:][:space:]/\\]*'

     Or include numbers as long as the word is at least two characters

          zstyle :insert-last-word match '*([[:digit:]]?|[[:alpha:]/\\])*'

     The above example causes redirections like "2>" to be included.

     The incremental-complete-word widget shows the value of this style
     in the status line during incremental completion.  The string
     value may contain any of the following substrings in the manner of
     the PS1 and other prompt parameters:

          Replaced by the name of the completer function that generated
          the matches (without the leading underscore).

          When the list style is set, replaced by `...' if the list of
          matches is too long to fit on the screen and with an empty
          string otherwise.  If the list style is `false' or not set,
          `%l' is always removed.

          Replaced by the number of matches generated.

          Replaced by `-no match-', `-no prefix-', or an empty string
          if there is no completion matching the word on the line, if
          the matches have no common prefix different from the word on
          the line, or if there is such a common prefix, respectively.

          Replaced by the unambiguous part of all matches, if there is
          any, and if it is different from the word on the line.

     Like `break-keys', this uses the `:incremental' context.

     This style is used by the incremental-complete-word widget.  Its
     value is treated similarly to the one for the break-keys style
     (and uses the same context: `:incremental').  However, in this
     case all keys matching the pattern given as its value will stop
     incremental completion and will then execute their usual function.

     This boolean style is used by predict-on and its related widgets in
     the context `:predict'.  If set to one of the standard `true'
     values, predictive typing is automatically toggled off in
     situations where it is unlikely to be useful, such as when editing
     a multi-line buffer or after moving into the middle of a line and
     then deleting a character.  The default is to leave prediction
     turned on until an explicit call to predict-off.

     This boolean style is used by predict-on and its related widgets in
     the context `:predict'.  If set to one of the standard `true'
     values, these widgets display a message below the prompt when the
     predictive state is toggled.  This is most useful in combination
     with the toggle style.  The default does not display these

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