Apr 5 2005 | - We have
removed the alpha architecture from all the Debian
Feb 16 2005 | - The various
Debian archives are now mirrored with a two-phase mirroring
Aug 18 2004 | - The
debian-archive mirror is gone.
archive.debian.org has been
down for several months now, and the other mirrors are quite
unreliable. Since the Debian mirror administrators do not seem to care, we won't either!
Mar 2 2003 | - The Debian 2.2
CD images are gone for good.
Feb 28 2003 | - Fixed the
ImageMagick mirror.
Jan 30 2003 | |
Jan 23 2003 | - Building
Jigdo images against http://debian.fifi.org/debian/
works now (beforehand, some HTML files were returned with the Fifi.Org
standard boilerplate, preventing their inclusion in a Jigdo-generated
ISO image).
- Fixed a couple of bad links.
- Tar files are
now sent with the application/x-tar MIME
Jan 20 2003 | |
Jan 16 2003 | - Facilitate
Jigdo download by redirecting obviously badly formed
- Automatically generated indexes do not show forbidden
files anymore (backup or revision control files for