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Extended Access Control module for Apache

mod_eaccess: Extended Access control

This module enables Regular Expression on URL, including HTTP method, URI, QUERY_STRING and body content.
This HTML page is located at http://www.micronet.fr/~pasty/eaccess/.

Table of Contents



This module is specially designed for Apache server to act as a secure reverse proxy server, filtering access to CGI and their parameters.
Here is an example:

    # Deny all
    EAccessEnable on
    # Log grants and denies to logs/eaccess_log
    EAccessLogLevel 1
    # Allow cgi toto, called by GET, without any QUERY_STRING.
    EAccessRule permit "^GET /cgi-bin/toto$"
    # Allow cgi titi, called by GET, with a QUERY_STRING starting with the text
    # "field1=".
    EAccessRule permit "^GET /cgi-bin/titi\?field1="
    # The same, called by POST.
    EAccessRule permit "^POST /cgi-bin/titi\|field1="
    # Allow cgi tata, called by GET, with 2 arguments. Each argument contains
    # up to 32 characters.
    EAccessRule permit "^GET /cgi-bin/tata\?field1=.{0,32}&field2=.{0,32}$"
    # Deny all others cgi
    EAccessRule deny "^GET /cgi-bin/.*$"
    EAccessRule deny "^GET /.*\.cgi.*$"
    # Allow all others URL, called by GET
    EAccessRule permit "^GET /.*$"


Extract apache:

    % tar zxf apache_1.x.y.tar.gz

Extract mod_eaccess:

    % tar zxf mod_eaccess-x.y.tar.gz

Configure apache with mod_eaccess:

    % cd apache_1.x.y
    % ./configure --add-module=../mod_eaccess-x.y/mod_eaccess.c ...


    % make

See Limitation if you want special installation (specialy for complete body checks).



Syntax: EAccessEnable on | off
Default: EAccessEnable off
Context: server config, virtual host

The RewriteEngine directive enables or disables the runtime extended access control engine.

If it is set to off this module does no runtime processing at all.
If it is set to on this module does runtime processing and then first sets default policy to deny all.


Syntax: EAccessRule action "pattern" [option]
Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

The EAccessRule directive is the real extended access control workhorse. The directive can occur more than once. Each directive then defines one single access control rule. The definition order of these rules is important, because this order is used when applying the rules at run-time.

action can be one of permit, deny[=n], warning or auth/{basic|securid}[=n]. For deny action, an optional value, n, can be added to set the HTTP response code. If not set, default is FORBIDDEN. For auth/* action, an optional value, n (seconds), can be added to set the Time To Live of the authentication. If not set, default TTL is 0.

pattern can be extended regular expression which gets applied to the current URL. If the first character of pattern is !, then the sense of matching is inverted.

option only applies for auth/* action and is optional. When set, it specifies the realm (auth/basic) or the redirection (auth/securid) for this action.

For each requested URL, the module constructs the following string for controls:

  • if arguments are available, they are added to method and URI with a ?:
  • if body is available, its content is added to method and URI with a |:
Note that both QUERY_STRING and body may be present, so the string is:

Then this string is unescaped: `%encoded' characters are translated into their corresponding values, except for:
  %00 ('\0') => "\0",
  %07 ('\a') => "\a",
  %08 ('\b') => "\b",
  %0A ('\n') => "\n",
  %0B ('\v') => "\v",
  %0C ('\f') => "\f",
  %0D ('\r') => "\r".

CR-LF (character \r followed by character \r) are also translated into string \n.

This makes URL arguments and body easier to match.

Then the unescaped string is used by the module to try to match a pattern defined in EAccessRule.

As default policy is set to deny all when extended access control is set to on, the algorithm used for each URL by the module is:

  • deny all,
  • for each pattern defined with EAccessRule directive:
    • if pattern matches URL (does not match for !pattern), then:
      • for permit action: access is granted and loop stops,
      • for deny action: access is denied (403 or customized) and loop stops,
      • for warning action: a ** WARNING ** is logged,
      • for auth/* action:
        • if there is no auth in HTTP header:
          • if option is not set, loop continues,
          • else (option is set):
            • for auth/basic: access is denied (error 401 with the realm set in the option is returned) and loop stops,
            • for auth/securid: access is redirected (error 302 with the location set in the option is returned) and loop stops,
        • else (there is an auth in HTTP header):
          • if this is the first time this auth is used, time is stored, and loop continues,
          • else (this is not the first time this auth is used):
            • if auth is not expired (due to TTL option), loop continues,
            • else (auth is expired):
              • if option is not set, auth is discarded in the HTTP header and loop continues,
              • else (option is set):
                • for auth/basic: access is denied (error 401 with the realm set in the option is returned) and loop stops,
                • for auth/securid: access is redirected (error 302 with the location set in the option is returned) and loop stops,

In fact, for auth/* action, if option is set in the rule, we do not trust the web server because authentication is first checked by mod_eaccess.
If option is not set, we do trust the web server and then do not check if an authentication is set in the HTTP header.

Default TTL is 0, which means no timeout.


Syntax: EAccessLog file-pipe
Default: EAccessLog logs/eaccess_log
Context: server config, virtual host

The EAccessLog directive sets the name of the file to which the server logs any extended access controls it performs. If the name begins with a pipe ('|'), followed by a command, then it is assumed to be a program that receives the agent log information on its standard input. Else, it must be a filename. If the filename does not begin with a slash ('/') then it is assumed to be relative to the Server Root.

When EAccessLogLevel is set, each action logs a line in the common log format (host, ident, authuser, date), followed by a text, depending upon the action:

  • permit: when RE #nnn (first RE is #1) matches a pattern:
    RE #nnn grants access to 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
  • deny: when RE #nnn matches a pattern, or when no rule matches:
    RE #nnn denies access to 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
    default denies access to 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
  • warning: when RE #nnn matches a pattern:
    RE #nnn *** WARNING! *** 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
  • auth/*:
    • RE #nnn AUTH not needed  'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when no option is set in EAccessRule auth/*, and no auth HTTP header is present,

    • RE #nnn AUTH starting on 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when auth HTTP header is present and this is the first time this authentication is used,

    • RE #nnn AUTH unTTLed for 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when auth HTTP header is present and not expired because no TTL is used,

    • RE #nnn AUTH not expired 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when auth HTTP header is present and not yet expired,

    • RE #nnn AUTH too old for 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when option is set in EAccessRule auth/*, and auth HTTP header is expired (error 401 for auth/basic or 302 for auth/securid is returned),

    • RE #nnn AUTH removed for 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when no option is set in EAccessRule auth/*, and auth HTTP header is expired (this header is then removed),

    • RE #nnn AUTH err 401 for 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when a realm is set in EAccessRule auth/basic, and no Authenticate: HTTP header is present,

    • RE #nnn AUTH err 302 for 'METHOD URI[?args[|data]]'
      when a redirect is set in EAccessRule auth/securid, and no Cookie: AceHandle HTTP header is present,

Notice: To disable the logging, it is not recommended to set filename to /dev/null, because although the module does not create output to a logfile it still creates the logfile output internally. This will slow down the server! To disable logging use EAccessLogLevel 0.


Syntax: EAccessLogLevel level
Default: EAccessLogLevel 0
Context: server config, virtual host

The EAccessLogLevel directive set the verbosity level of the extended access control logfile.

Level 0 means no logging.
Level 1 logs which EAccessRule grants or denies access to URL.
Level > 1 is for debugging.


Syntax: EAccessCache filename
Default: EAccessCache logs/eaccess_auth
Context: server config, virtual host

The EAccessCache directive sets the name of the file to which the server caches user authentication when auth/* is used in EAccessRule. If the name does not begin with a slash ('/') then it is assumed to be relative to the Server Root.

Notice: To avoid dump of the cache, MD5 digest of the authentications is stored...


Syntax: EAccessOptim level
Default: EAccessOptim 0
Context: server config, virtual host

The EAccessOptim directive sets the optimization level.

Level 0 (default value) means no optimization: only regular expressions strings are stored in memory.
Level 1 means more optimization: compiled regular expressions are also stored in memory. This may cost a lot...


Only the beginning of the body can be checked; limit is near DEFAULT_BUFSIZE (defined in buff.c), but also depends on system settings:

When Apache receives a connection, it is read from a socket and put into a buffer. Default socket buffer size is controlled with:

  • net.core.rmem_default for Linux:
    • sysctl net.core.rmem_default to get current limit;
    • sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=nnn to set limit;

  • tcp_recv_hiwat for Solaris:
    • ndd /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat to get current limit;
    • ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat nnn to set limit;

So the first socket read of an incomming connection (limit: default socket buffer size, as Apache does not set it) is put into buffer (limit: DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, set to 4096 in buff.c). It is then a good idea to have default socket buffer size greater than DEFAULT_BUFSIZE: we recommend to use at least 8192.

Finally, as the beginning of the HTTP connection includes headers and body, EAccess will use at most for body: DEFAULT_BUFSIZE - sizeof (HTTP headers).

To bypass this limit, we must patch Apache code. The raison is simple: when Apache has read once the body, it cannot read it again (because of socket...). The little patch mod_eaccess.patch is supplied to enable complete body checks. Do the following:

Patch apache:

    % cd apache_1.x.y
    % patch -b -p 0 < ../mod_eaccess-x.y/mod_eaccess.patch

Compile apache with complete body future:
    % cd apache_1.x.y

Security tips

As we said, the string used to match a RE is:

In fact, URI is set by Apache as the path portion of the %unescaped unparsed uri, with some path optimisations. For example:
    Unparsed URI URI because
    /some/path?some+args /some/path  
    /some/p%61th /some/path 0x61 is 'a'
    /some/../path /path .. optimization
    /good%3Ffoo/../bad /bad 0x3F is '?', but path optim. occurs before %unescape
    /good%3Ffoo/%2E./bad /good?foo/../bad %2E is '.', but no path optim., just %unescape

And the string used to match a RE is exactly:

    "unescape (METHOD escape (URI) [ ?QUERY_STRING ] [ |BODY ]"

When EAccess is used with Apache running as a web-server, this is fine because this string is really the URI Apache is looking for.

But when EAccess is used with Apache running as a reverse-proxy, this may be dangerous; suppose for example the URL the reverse-proxy receives is:

    "GET /good.cgi%3Fparam=/%2E./bad.cgi"

The URI in the reverse-proxy running with EAccess will be:

    "/good.cgi?param=/../bad.cgi" (%unescape URI)
and will be proxy as:
    "GET /good.cgi%3Fparam=/../bad.cgi" (%escape URI)
Then the next server (suppose Apache), will compute his URI as:
    "/bad.cgi" (path optimization)

This may be very dangerous if EAccess rules are:

    permit "^GET /good\.cgi\?param=.{1,64}$"
This allows good.cgi to be used with a argument param which contains up to 64 characters. For example:
    GET /good.cgi?param=foobar"
But this also allows the following URL:
    GET /good.cgi%3Fparam=/%2E./bad.cgi?badargs"
which is scanned by EAccess filter as "/good.cgi?param=/../bad.cgi?badargs", resend by reverse-proxy as "/good.cgi%3Fparam=/../bad.cgi?badargs" and parsed by next server as "/bad.cgi?badargs".

Conclusion: when using EAccess on Apache running as a reverse-proxy, it is a good idea to use the first rule:

    deny "%[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}"

Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3
