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A Gentle Introduction to Cricket

A Gentle Introduction to Cricket

Cricket was designed to solve several weaknesses WebTV found in MRTG when we tried to use it with thousands of targets, and for many different purposes. We found that the more we customized the MRTG config file, the larger and more unwieldy it got. We found that we were making mistakes due to the complexity, and then we wrote scripts to write the configs for us, and using these scripts, we made mistakes in a faster, more automated manner. Something needed to be done.

Cricket uses a hierarchical configuration system, thus a complete set of Cricket config files is called a "config tree". Configuration information that will be used again and again can be stored high in the tree, and inherited by all the leaves. More specific information can be stored closer to where it is used, but still in one place (instead of each place it is used). All the way down to the leaves of the tree, information from higher up can be overridden. Files are grouped into directories and processed in a predictable order within those directories. As a directory is processed, the state of the system is saved and restored. In this way, changes made to the defaults in a sub-tree do not affect a sibling sub-tree.

Understanding the config tree

Understanding the config tree is critical to understanding how to use and modify Cricket. Everything Cricket knows it learns from the config tree. That includes things like which variables to fetch for a certain type of device, how to fetch those variables, which devices to talk to, and what type of device they all are. The inheritance property of the config tree applies equally to all types of data, making it possible to make a concise description of a large, complicated set of monitored devices.

A guided tour

In this section, we will take a guided tour of the sample config tree that ships with Cricket. It would be a very good idea to read this section with a window open that you can use to explore the sample config tree.

The first thing to notice about the config tree is that every directory has a file in it called "Defaults". This file is not strictly speaking necessary, but you will find it in nearly every level of every config tree. It's purpose is to hold settings that will apply to the entire subtree that it sits on top of. Thus, when you look at the file named sample-config/Defaults, it's important to realize that unless those values get overridden later, they will be used throughout the entire config tree.

When Cricket goes to process a directory, it processes the Defaults file first (if it exists), then it processes each ordinary file, and finally it processes each of the directories. When processing a directory, it saves the current configuration before entering it, and restores the configuration after leaving the directory. Note that Cricket does not save and restore the configuration when processing files; one file could make a change to the defaults that another file in the same directory can see. For the time being, consider this a feature. It can be useful, as long as you are expecting it to behave that way.

Scroll through the root Defaults file and take a look at the sections. You'll see that each chunk of the file begins with a certain word (like "target", or "oid"). After that word, they differ somewhat, but generally what a chunk does is define some tag/value pairs, and assign them to some key name. For instance, the tag rrd-datafile gets set to "%dataDir%/%auto-target-name%.rrd".

That's great, you say, but what are the percent signs about? This brings us to expansion. Before a dictionary is used, it is expanded. This means that variables which are referenced with the "%tag%" syntax are replaced with their actual values. If the value also has a variable in it, it is also expanded. (There is no check for loops so don't accidentally make one!) This is a very powerful feature which makes complicated configurations boil down to a few simple config lines.

For instance, the example I chose above sets the tag rrd-datafile to a proper filename made up of the data directory, the target name, and the extension ".rrd". But you'll notice that dataDir is itself defined in terms of some other tags. As long as all the tags eventually map to some text, the expansion process turns this mess into a complete pathname. If a tag is not defined, but it is referenced via an expansion, then Cricket will log a warning, but it will attempt to continue to use the partially expanded string.

The tags that Cricket uses to get it's configuration are listed below in the reference section, one at a time with a description. All other tags that appear in the dictionaries in a config tree are either in use by expansions, or ignored. For instance, nowhere in the reference section will you find dataDir mentioned. That is simply a tag that exists to make the definition rrd-datafile easier to read. You can add as many of your own tags as you want; it's all up to how you want to setup your config tree.

After Cricket expands a string, it scans the string for substrings surrounded by curly braces ({like this}). These substrings are passed to Perl's eval() function, which means you can do arbitrary math and other nifty trickery between curly braces. Some day I'll add more examples for how you might use this, but for now all I'm telling you is that it's there. You have to figure out how to use it.

Target types, and datasources

Now, let us take a digression for a second to talk about target types, and datasources. A datasource is something you want to graph. For instance, "router inlet temperature", or "inbound octets per second". Datasources that all relate to the same type of device are grouped together into a target type. A target is a distinct device from which you will be collecting data. Every target has a target type, which is how Cricket knows what data to fetch, and how to fetch it. This is all described in much more detail below, but for now, you already know enough to get going. This is because Cricket's sample config tree comes with lots of predefined target types that will let you look at common things on your network.

To see this stuff in action, go into the sample-config/routers directory and take a look at the Defaults file. What this file is doing is setting things up so that if you create a target of type "Cisco-7200-Router", Cricket will know what data to fetch. As you can see by the different target types defined in this file, not all routers are created equal. Some can return temperature, some can't.

Tacking a Target

Now, let's check out a target definition. Note that we've set a number of tags in the root Defaults file and in the subtree Defaults file related to the target named --default--. This special target is never used to fetch data. Instead, it is used as kind of a skeleton for all future targets that are created in the subtree below that point. Take a look inside the file named Targets. This file defines some real targets. The sample config tree comes with two, engineering-router and main-router. These two dictionaries are added onto the bottom of the config tree, and are sometimes referred to as leaves. A leaf is where some work happens.

When Cricket comes to process the engineering-router leaf node, the first step is to build a working copy of the dictionary. Clearly the information in the leaf node is not enough to collect any data from the router. For one thing, we don't know what the hostname of the router is, so we don't know where to send the SNMP packets. This is where the --default-- dictionaries come in. To make the complete working dictionary for this part of the config tree, Cricket traverses all the nodes from the root down to the current node, gathering together the --default-- dictionaries. Items lower in the config tree override items higher up.

Cricket uses the target-type tag to decide what method to use to fetch the data. If does this by finding a targetType dictionary that matches the target-type tag for the current target. This targetType dictionary has a tag named ds, which is a list of the datasources we expect to fetch from this router. Each datasource is fetched in the same way, and there Cricket discovers that it will be talking SNMP to this router, in order to fetch 6 variables.

Next, Cricket turns over control to the SNMP fetcher. The fetcher is trying to turn an SNMP URL into a measurement. The SNMP URL for the data on the engineering-router is snmp://public@engineering-router:161/cpu1min. But you've probably already noticed that the only thing the fetcher seems to have to go on is the ds-source tag, which has a %snmp% where we expected to find the community string, hostname and port.

How does Cricket manufacture the whole SNMP URL for this target?

Explaining expansion

Immediately after Cricket makes the working dictionary for a target it is working on, it fully expands the target with respect to itself. Likewise, when Cricket fetches a dictionary like the cpu1min datasource dictionary, it is also expanded with respect to the target dictionary. By the time the SNMP fetcher is looking for the contents of the ds-source tag, it has already been expanded to the correct value.

Let's unwind the expansions that contributed to changing %snmp% into public@engineering-router:161.

  From sample-config/Defaults
    snmp-community      = public
    snmp-port           = 161
    snmp                = %snmp-community%@%snmp-host%:%snmp-port%

  From sample-config/routers/Defaults
    router              = %auto-target-name%
    snmp-host           = %router%

You can see that one level about the leaf, the snmp-host tag gets set (via the router tag) to the name of the current target. Tags starting with auto- are provided to you by Cricket. There are a number of these automatic tags which are discussed below. The rest of the snmp tag is filled in by defaults inherited from all the way up at the top of the config tree.

This is a good example of the power of the config tree. If you were asked to monitor a new piece of network hardware which had a slightly different community string, you could put a snmp-community tag in the target's dictionary and override the one normally inherited from above. Alternatively, if you need to change the community string on 1000 devices simultaneously, you could do so by simply changing it at the root, then allowing the change to filter down to each of the 1000 targets in your config tree.

Cricket version 1.0.3, released 2001-11-06.

Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Jeff Allen. Cricket is released under the GNU General Public License.