Whole document tree

Whole document tree


II. Titlepages

Table of Contents
%generate-set-titlepage% -- Should a set title page be produced?
%generate-book-titlepage% -- Should a book title page be produced?
%generate-part-titlepage% -- Should a part title page be produced?
%generate-partintro-on-titlepage% -- Should the PartIntro appear on the Part/Reference title page?
%generate-reference-titlepage% -- Should a reference title page be produced?
%generate-article-titlepage% -- Should an article title page be produced?
%titlepage-in-info-order% -- Place elements on title page in document order?
%generate-legalnotice-link% -- Should legal notices be a link to a separate file?
$legalnotice-link-file$ -- Name of output file for legal notices
%author-othername-in-middle% -- Author OTHERNAME appears between FIRSTNAME and SURNAME?