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spumux -- generates and multiplexes subtitles into an existing mpeg2 program stream


spumux [-m dvd | -m cvd | -m svcd] [-s stream] [-v level] [-P] {file} {< mpeg} {> mpeg-with-subtitles}


spumux encodes the subtitles and multiplexes it into the mpeg2 program stream.

-m mode

Sets the encoding for the subtitles. Can be dvd, cvd, or svcd. Default is dvd.

-s stream

Sets the subtitle stream id. Default is 0.

-v level

Sets the verbosity level.


Enables a progress bar.

Here's a sample configuration file:

      <spu start="start-time" [ end="end-time" ] [ image="picture.png" ]
           [ highlight="picture.png" ] [ select="picture.png" ]
           [ transparent="color-code" ] [ force="yes" ]
           [ autooutline="infer" [ outlinewidth="width" ]
             [ autoorder="rows" | autoorder="columns" ] ]
           [ xoffset="x-coord" yoffset="y-coord" ] >
         <button [ label="name" ] [ x0="x0" ] [ y0="y0" ] [ x1="x1" ]
                 [ y1="y1" ] [ up="label" ] [ down="label" ]
                 [ left="label" ] [ right="label" ] />
         <action [ label="name" ] />

Each subtitle image is described by an <spu> tag. The start and optional end attributes describe when the subtitle will be displayed on the screen, in "HR:MM:SS.HU". The image attribute describes the main subtitle image, which can either be a PNG or BMP file. If your image is not a full screen image, you can use xoffset and yoffset to move the picture around. In the advent that the author is unable to use a graphics format with an alpha channel, then the transparent attribute can be used to describe which color should become fully transparent. The color is in hexadecimal as "RRGGBB". If you want to force the display of the subtitle, regardless of whether the user has enabled subtitles or not, you can use the force tag. When you are making menus, the force tag is required.

The remaining attributes and tags are related to menu creation. The highlight attribute shows what all the buttons look like when they are highlighted (i.e. when you are using the arrows in the menu), and the select attribute shows what all the buttons look like when the are selected (i.e. for the 1-2 seconds after you press enter in the menu). If either of these (or the image attribute) are omitted, then spumux creates a blank (totally transparent) image. Obviously at least one tag should be specified.

To aid in button creation, the autooutline attribute instructs spumux to infer where the buttons are located. It does this by attempting to draw rectangles around a composition of the highlight and select images which do not intersect any opaque or semi-opaque pixels. In order to support textual buttons, the attribute outlinewidth allows you to specify the width of the rectangle which is tested. Wider rectangles won't be able to squeeze between the letters. Finally, autoorder describes which way to order the automatically detected buttons, which is important for numerically selected buttons and for mapping buttons to button labels or to the implied labels.

The button and action tags describe the buttons (visibly selectable objects on the screen) and actions (commands that are executed as soon as the associated key is pressed on the remote). If you are using the autooutline feature, just designing buttons, are happy with the inferred button navigation, and can deal with the simplistic labelling system, then you actually do not even need to specify any buttons or actions. Otherwise, read on.

The label attribute is used to give a button or action an easy to refer to name. By default they are numbered sequentially starting with "1". The (x0,y0) coordinates describe the upper left hand corner inclusively, while the (x1,y1) coordinates describe the lower right hand corner EXclusively. The up, down, left, and right labels describe which button or action should be tied to the corresponding key when the current button is highlighted, though if omitted spumux will use a reasonably intelligent algorithm to determine which buttons to move to.