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00001 // -*- C++ -*- The GNU C++ exception personality routine.
00002 // Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00003 //
00004 // This file is part of GNU CC.
00005 //
00006 // GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009 // any later version.
00010 //
00011 // GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 //
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
00018 // the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
00019 // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00021 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00022 // library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
00023 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00024 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00025 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00026 // the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00027 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00028 // the GNU General Public License.
00031 #include <bits/c++config.h>
00032 #include <cstdlib>
00033 #include "unwind-cxx.h"
00035 using namespace __cxxabiv1;
00037 #include "unwind-pe.h"
00040 struct lsda_header_info
00041 {
00042   _Unwind_Ptr Start;
00043   _Unwind_Ptr LPStart;
00044   _Unwind_Ptr ttype_base;
00045   const unsigned char *TType;
00046   const unsigned char *action_table;
00047   unsigned char ttype_encoding;
00048   unsigned char call_site_encoding;
00049 };
00051 static const unsigned char *
00052 parse_lsda_header (_Unwind_Context *context, const unsigned char *p,
00053            lsda_header_info *info)
00054 {
00055   _Unwind_Ptr tmp;
00056   unsigned char lpstart_encoding;
00058   info->Start = (context ? _Unwind_GetRegionStart (context) : 0);
00060   // Find @LPStart, the base to which landing pad offsets are relative.
00061   lpstart_encoding = *p++;
00062   if (lpstart_encoding != DW_EH_PE_omit)
00063     p = read_encoded_value (context, lpstart_encoding, p, &info->LPStart);
00064   else
00065     info->LPStart = info->Start;
00067   // Find @TType, the base of the handler and exception spec type data.
00068   info->ttype_encoding = *p++;
00069   if (info->ttype_encoding != DW_EH_PE_omit)
00070     {
00071       p = read_uleb128 (p, &tmp);
00072       info->TType = p + tmp;
00073     }
00074   else
00075     info->TType = 0;
00077   // The encoding and length of the call-site table; the action table
00078   // immediately follows.
00079   info->call_site_encoding = *p++;
00080   p = read_uleb128 (p, &tmp);
00081   info->action_table = p + tmp;
00083   return p;
00084 }
00086 static const std::type_info *
00087 get_ttype_entry (lsda_header_info *info, long i)
00088 {
00089   _Unwind_Ptr ptr;
00091   i *= size_of_encoded_value (info->ttype_encoding);
00092   read_encoded_value_with_base (info->ttype_encoding, info->ttype_base,
00093                 info->TType - i, &ptr);
00095   return reinterpret_cast<const std::type_info *>(ptr);
00096 }
00098 static bool
00099 check_exception_spec (lsda_header_info *info, const std::type_info *throw_type,
00100               long filter_value)
00101 {
00102   const unsigned char *e = info->TType - filter_value - 1;
00104   while (1)
00105     {
00106       const std::type_info *catch_type;
00107       _Unwind_Ptr tmp;
00108       void *dummy;
00110       e = read_uleb128 (e, &tmp);
00112       // Zero signals the end of the list.  If we've not found
00113       // a match by now, then we've failed the specification.
00114       if (tmp == 0)
00115         return false;
00117       // Match a ttype entry.
00118       catch_type = get_ttype_entry (info, tmp);
00119       if (catch_type->__do_catch (throw_type, &dummy, 1))
00120     return true;
00121     }
00122 }
00124 // Using a different personality function name causes link failures
00125 // when trying to mix code using different exception handling models.
00127 #define PERSONALITY_FUNCTION    __gxx_personality_sj0
00128 #define __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(x) x
00129 #else
00130 #define PERSONALITY_FUNCTION    __gxx_personality_v0
00131 #endif
00133 extern "C" _Unwind_Reason_Code
00134 PERSONALITY_FUNCTION (int version,
00135               _Unwind_Action actions,
00136               _Unwind_Exception_Class exception_class,
00137               struct _Unwind_Exception *ue_header,
00138               struct _Unwind_Context *context)
00139 {
00140   __cxa_exception *xh = __get_exception_header_from_ue (ue_header);
00142   enum found_handler_type
00143   {
00144     found_nothing,
00145     found_terminate,
00146     found_cleanup,
00147     found_handler
00148   } found_type;
00150   lsda_header_info info;
00151   const unsigned char *language_specific_data;
00152   const unsigned char *action_record;
00153   const unsigned char *p;
00154   _Unwind_Ptr landing_pad, ip;
00155   int handler_switch_value;
00156   void *adjusted_ptr = xh + 1;
00158   // Interface version check.
00159   if (version != 1)
00160     return _URC_FATAL_PHASE1_ERROR;
00162   // Shortcut for phase 2 found handler for domestic exception.
00163   if (actions == (_UA_CLEANUP_PHASE | _UA_HANDLER_FRAME)
00164       && exception_class == __gxx_exception_class)
00165     {
00166       handler_switch_value = xh->handlerSwitchValue;
00167       landing_pad = (_Unwind_Ptr) xh->catchTemp;
00168       found_type = (landing_pad == 0 ? found_terminate : found_handler);
00169       goto install_context;
00170     }
00172   language_specific_data = (const unsigned char *)
00173     _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (context);
00175   // If no LSDA, then there are no handlers or cleanups.
00176   if (! language_specific_data)
00177     return _URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND;
00179   // Parse the LSDA header.
00180   p = parse_lsda_header (context, language_specific_data, &info);
00181   info.ttype_base = base_of_encoded_value (info.ttype_encoding, context);
00182   ip = _Unwind_GetIP (context) - 1;
00183   landing_pad = 0;
00184   action_record = 0;
00185   handler_switch_value = 0;
00188   // The given "IP" is an index into the call-site table, with two
00189   // exceptions -- -1 means no-action, and 0 means terminate.  But
00190   // since we're using uleb128 values, we've not got random access
00191   // to the array.
00192   if ((int) ip < 0)
00193     return _URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND;
00194   else if (ip == 0)
00195     {
00196       // Fall through to set found_terminate.
00197     }
00198   else
00199     {
00200       _Unwind_Ptr cs_lp, cs_action;
00201       do
00202     {
00203       p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_lp);
00204       p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_action);
00205     }
00206       while (--ip);
00208       // Can never have null landing pad for sjlj -- that would have
00209       // been indicated by a -1 call site index.
00210       landing_pad = cs_lp + 1;
00211       if (cs_action)
00212     action_record = info.action_table + cs_action - 1;
00213       goto found_something;
00214     }
00215 #else
00216   // Search the call-site table for the action associated with this IP.
00217   while (p < info.action_table)
00218     {
00219       _Unwind_Ptr cs_start, cs_len, cs_lp, cs_action;
00221       // Note that all call-site encodings are "absolute" displacements.
00222       p = read_encoded_value (0, info.call_site_encoding, p, &cs_start);
00223       p = read_encoded_value (0, info.call_site_encoding, p, &cs_len);
00224       p = read_encoded_value (0, info.call_site_encoding, p, &cs_lp);
00225       p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_action);
00227       // The table is sorted, so if we've passed the ip, stop.
00228       if (ip < info.Start + cs_start)
00229     p = info.action_table;
00230       else if (ip < info.Start + cs_start + cs_len)
00231     {
00232       if (cs_lp)
00233         landing_pad = info.LPStart + cs_lp;
00234       if (cs_action)
00235         action_record = info.action_table + cs_action - 1;
00236       goto found_something;
00237     }
00238     }
00241   // If ip is not present in the table, call terminate.  This is for
00242   // a destructor inside a cleanup, or a library routine the compiler
00243   // was not expecting to throw.
00244   found_type = (actions & _UA_FORCE_UNWIND ? found_nothing : found_terminate);
00245   goto do_something;
00247  found_something:
00248   if (landing_pad == 0)
00249     {
00250       // If ip is present, and has a null landing pad, there are
00251       // no cleanups or handlers to be run.
00252       found_type = found_nothing;
00253     }
00254   else if (action_record == 0)
00255     {
00256       // If ip is present, has a non-null landing pad, and a null
00257       // action table offset, then there are only cleanups present.
00258       // Cleanups use a zero switch value, as set above.
00259       found_type = found_cleanup;
00260     }
00261   else
00262     {
00263       // Otherwise we have a catch handler or exception specification.
00265       signed long ar_filter, ar_disp;
00266       const std::type_info *throw_type, *catch_type;
00267       bool saw_cleanup = false;
00268       bool saw_handler = false;
00270       // During forced unwinding, we only run cleanups.  With a foreign
00271       // exception class, there's no exception type.
00272       // ??? What to do about GNU Java and GNU Ada exceptions.
00274       if ((actions & _UA_FORCE_UNWIND)
00275       || exception_class != __gxx_exception_class)
00276     throw_type = 0;
00277       else
00278     throw_type = xh->exceptionType;
00280       while (1)
00281     {
00282       _Unwind_Ptr tmp;
00284       p = action_record;
00285       p = read_sleb128 (p, &tmp); ar_filter = tmp;
00286       read_sleb128 (p, &tmp); ar_disp = tmp;
00288       if (ar_filter == 0)
00289         {
00290           // Zero filter values are cleanups.
00291           saw_cleanup = true;
00292         }
00293       else if (ar_filter > 0)
00294         {
00295           // Positive filter values are handlers.
00296           catch_type = get_ttype_entry (&info, ar_filter);
00297           adjusted_ptr = xh + 1;
00299           // Null catch type is a catch-all handler.  We can catch
00300           // foreign exceptions with this.
00301           if (! catch_type)
00302         {
00303           if (!(actions & _UA_FORCE_UNWIND))
00304             {
00305               saw_handler = true;
00306               break;
00307             }
00308         }
00309           else if (throw_type)
00310         {
00311           // Pointer types need to adjust the actual pointer, not
00312           // the pointer to pointer that is the exception object.
00313           // This also has the effect of passing pointer types
00314           // "by value" through the __cxa_begin_catch return value.
00315           if (throw_type->__is_pointer_p ())
00316             adjusted_ptr = *(void **) adjusted_ptr;
00318           if (catch_type->__do_catch (throw_type, &adjusted_ptr, 1))
00319             {
00320               saw_handler = true;
00321               break;
00322             }
00323         }
00324         }
00325       else
00326         {
00327           // Negative filter values are exception specifications.
00328           // ??? How do foreign exceptions fit in?  As far as I can
00329           // see we can't match because there's no __cxa_exception
00330           // object to stuff bits in for __cxa_call_unexpected to use.
00331           if (throw_type
00332           && ! check_exception_spec (&info, throw_type, ar_filter))
00333         {
00334           saw_handler = true;
00335           break;
00336         }
00337         }
00339       if (ar_disp == 0)
00340         break;
00341       action_record = p + ar_disp;
00342     }
00344       if (saw_handler)
00345     {
00346       handler_switch_value = ar_filter;
00347       found_type = found_handler;
00348     }
00349       else
00350     found_type = (saw_cleanup ? found_cleanup : found_nothing);
00351     }
00353  do_something:
00354    if (found_type == found_nothing)
00355      return _URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND;
00357   if (actions & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE)
00358     {
00359       if (found_type == found_cleanup)
00360     return _URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND;
00362       // For domestic exceptions, we cache data from phase 1 for phase 2.
00363       if (exception_class == __gxx_exception_class)
00364         {
00365           xh->handlerSwitchValue = handler_switch_value;
00366           xh->actionRecord = action_record;
00367           xh->languageSpecificData = language_specific_data;
00368           xh->adjustedPtr = adjusted_ptr;
00370           // ??? Completely unknown what this field is supposed to be for.
00371           // ??? Need to cache TType encoding base for call_unexpected.
00372           xh->catchTemp = (void *) (_Unwind_Ptr) landing_pad;
00373     }
00374       return _URC_HANDLER_FOUND;
00375     }
00377  install_context:
00378   if (found_type == found_terminate)
00379     {
00380       __cxa_begin_catch (&xh->unwindHeader);
00381       __terminate (xh->terminateHandler);
00382     }
00384   // Cache the TType base value for __cxa_call_unexpected, as we won't
00385   // have an _Unwind_Context then.
00386   if (handler_switch_value < 0)
00387     {
00388       parse_lsda_header (context, xh->languageSpecificData, &info);
00389       xh->catchTemp = (void *) base_of_encoded_value (info.ttype_encoding,
00390                               context);
00391     }
00393   _Unwind_SetGR (context, __builtin_eh_return_data_regno (0),
00394          (_Unwind_Ptr) &xh->unwindHeader);
00395   _Unwind_SetGR (context, __builtin_eh_return_data_regno (1),
00396          handler_switch_value);
00397   _Unwind_SetIP (context, landing_pad);
00398   return _URC_INSTALL_CONTEXT;
00399 }
00401 extern "C" void
00402 __cxa_call_unexpected (_Unwind_Exception *exc_obj)
00403 {
00404   __cxa_begin_catch (exc_obj);
00406   // This function is a handler for our exception argument.  If we exit
00407   // by throwing a different exception, we'll need the original cleaned up.
00408   struct end_catch_protect
00409   {
00410     end_catch_protect() { }
00411     ~end_catch_protect() { __cxa_end_catch(); }
00412   } end_catch_protect_obj;
00414   __cxa_exception *xh = __get_exception_header_from_ue (exc_obj);
00416   try {
00417     __unexpected (xh->unexpectedHandler);
00418   } catch (...) {
00419     // Get the exception thrown from unexpected.
00420     // ??? Foreign exceptions can't be stacked this way.
00422     __cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals_fast ();
00423     __cxa_exception *new_xh = globals->caughtExceptions;
00425     // We don't quite have enough stuff cached; re-parse the LSDA.
00426     lsda_header_info info;
00427     parse_lsda_header (0, xh->languageSpecificData, &info);
00428     info.ttype_base = (_Unwind_Ptr) xh->catchTemp;
00430     // If this new exception meets the exception spec, allow it.
00431     if (check_exception_spec (&info, new_xh->exceptionType,
00432                   xh->handlerSwitchValue))
00433       throw;
00435     // If the exception spec allows std::bad_exception, throw that.
00436     const std::type_info &bad_exc = typeid (std::bad_exception);
00437     if (check_exception_spec (&info, &bad_exc, xh->handlerSwitchValue))
00438       throw std::bad_exception ();
00440     // Otherwise, die.
00441     __terminate(xh->terminateHandler);
00442   }
00443 }

Generated on Mon Apr 8 03:11:24 2002 for libstdc++-v3 Source by doxygen1.2.15