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00001 // Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00002 //
00003 // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
00004 // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
00005 // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
00006 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00007 // any later version.
00009 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00014 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00015 // with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
00016 // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
00017 // USA.
00019 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00020 // library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
00021 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00022 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00023 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00024 // the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00025 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00026 // the GNU General Public License.
00028 //
00029 // ISO C++ 14882: 27.6.2  Output streams
00030 //
00032 #include <bits/std_locale.h>
00034 namespace std 
00035 {
00036   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00037     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry::
00038     sentry(basic_ostream<_CharT,_Traits>& __os)
00039     : _M_ok(__os.good()), _M_os(__os)
00040     {
00041       // XXX MT 
00042       if (_M_ok && __os.tie())
00043     __os.tie()->flush();  
00044     }
00046   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00047     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00048     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::
00049     operator<<(__ostream_type& (*__pf)(__ostream_type&))
00050     {
00051       sentry __cerb(*this);
00052       if (__cerb)
00053     { 
00054       try 
00055         { __pf(*this); }
00056       catch(exception& __fail)
00057         {
00058           // Common requirements.
00059           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00060           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00061           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00062         __throw_exception_again;
00063         }
00064     }
00065       return *this;
00066     }
00068   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00069     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00070     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::
00071     operator<<(__ios_type& (*__pf)(__ios_type&))
00072     {
00073       sentry __cerb(*this);
00074       if (__cerb)
00075     { 
00076       try 
00077         { __pf(*this); }
00078       catch(exception& __fail)
00079         {
00080           // Common requirements.
00081           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00082           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00083           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00084         __throw_exception_again;
00085         }
00086     }
00087       return *this;
00088     }
00090   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00091     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00092     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::
00093     operator<<(ios_base& (*__pf)(ios_base&))
00094     {
00095       sentry __cerb(*this);
00096       if (__cerb)
00097     { 
00098       try 
00099         { __pf(*this); }
00100       catch(exception& __fail)
00101         {
00102           // Common requirements.
00103           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00104           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00105           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00106         __throw_exception_again;
00107         }
00108     }
00109       return *this;
00110     }
00112   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00113     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00114     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(bool __n)
00115     {
00116       sentry __cerb(*this);
00117       if (__cerb) 
00118     {
00119       try 
00120         {
00121           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00122         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00123           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00124         }
00125       catch(exception& __fail)
00126         {
00127           // Common requirements.
00128           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00129           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00130           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00131         __throw_exception_again;
00132         }
00133     }
00134       return *this;
00135     }
00137   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00138     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00139     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(long __n)
00140     {
00141       sentry __cerb(*this);
00142       if (__cerb) 
00143     {
00144       try 
00145         {
00146           char_type __c = this->fill();
00147           ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = this->flags() & ios_base::basefield;
00148           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00149         {
00150           bool __b = false;
00151           if (__fmt & ios_base::oct || __fmt & ios_base::hex)
00152             {
00153               unsigned long __l = static_cast<unsigned long>(__n);
00154               __b = _M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, __c, __l).failed();
00155             }
00156           else
00157             __b = _M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, __c, __n).failed();
00158           if (__b)  
00159             this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00160         }
00161         }
00162       catch(exception& __fail)
00163         {
00164           // Common requirements.
00165           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00166           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00167           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00168         __throw_exception_again;
00169         }
00170     }
00171       return *this;
00172     }
00174   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00175     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00176     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(unsigned long __n)
00177     {
00178       sentry __cerb(*this);
00179       if (__cerb) 
00180     {
00181       try 
00182         {
00183           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00184         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00185           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00186         }
00187       catch(exception& __fail)
00188         {
00189           // Common requirements.
00190           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00191           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00192           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00193         __throw_exception_again;
00194         }
00195     }
00196       return *this;
00197     }
00200   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00201     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00202     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(long long __n)
00203     {
00204       sentry __cerb(*this);
00205       if (__cerb) 
00206     {
00207       try 
00208         {
00209           char_type __c = this->fill();
00210           ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = this->flags() & ios_base::basefield;
00211           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00212         {
00213           bool __b = false;
00214           if (__fmt & ios_base::oct || __fmt & ios_base::hex)
00215             {
00216               unsigned long long __l;
00217               __l = static_cast<unsigned long long>(__n);
00218               __b = _M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, __c, __l).failed();
00219             }
00220           else
00221             __b = _M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, __c, __n).failed();
00222           if (__b)  
00223             this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00224         }
00225         }
00226       catch(exception& __fail)
00227         {
00228           // Common requirements.
00229           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00230           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00231           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00232         __throw_exception_again;
00233         }
00234     }
00235       return *this;
00236     }
00238   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00239     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00240     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(unsigned long long __n)
00241     {
00242       sentry __cerb(*this);
00243       if (__cerb) 
00244     {
00245       try 
00246         {
00247           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00248         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00249           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00250         }
00251       catch(exception& __fail)
00252         {
00253           // Common requirements.
00254           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00255           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00256           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00257         __throw_exception_again;
00258         }
00259     }
00260       return *this;
00261     }
00262 #endif
00264   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00265     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00266     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(double __n)
00267     {
00268       sentry __cerb(*this);
00269       if (__cerb) 
00270     {
00271       try 
00272         {
00273           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00274         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00275           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00276         }
00277       catch(exception& __fail)
00278         {
00279           // Common requirements.
00280           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00281           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00282           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00283         __throw_exception_again;
00284         }
00285     }
00286       return *this;
00287     }
00289   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00290     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00291     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(long double __n)
00292     {
00293       sentry __cerb(*this);
00294       if (__cerb) 
00295     {
00296       try 
00297         {
00298           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00299         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00300           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00301         }
00302       catch(exception& __fail)
00303         {
00304           // Common requirements.
00305           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00306           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00307           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00308         __throw_exception_again;
00309         }
00310     }
00311       return *this;
00312     }
00314   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00315     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00316     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(const void* __n)
00317     {
00318       sentry __cerb(*this);
00319       if (__cerb) 
00320     {
00321       try 
00322         {
00323           if (_M_check_facet(_M_fnumput))
00324         if (_M_fnumput->put(*this, *this, this->fill(), __n).failed())
00325           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00326         }
00327       catch(exception& __fail)
00328         {
00329           // Common requirements.
00330           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00331           this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00332           if ((this->exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00333         __throw_exception_again;
00334         }
00335     }
00336       return *this;
00337     }
00339   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00340     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& 
00341     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator<<(__streambuf_type* __sbin)
00342     {
00343       streamsize __xtrct = 0;
00344       __streambuf_type* __sbout = this->rdbuf();
00345       sentry __cerb(*this);
00346       if (__sbin && __cerb)
00347     __xtrct = __copy_streambufs(*this, __sbin, __sbout);
00348       if (!__sbin || !__xtrct)
00349     this->setstate(ios_base::failbit);
00350       return *this;
00351     }
00353   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00354     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00355     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::put(char_type __c)
00356     { 
00357       sentry __cerb(*this);
00358       if (__cerb) 
00359     {
00360       int_type __put = rdbuf()->sputc(__c); 
00361       if (__put != traits_type::to_int_type(__c))
00362         this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00363     }
00364       return *this;
00365     }
00367   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00368     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00369     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::write(const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n)
00370     {
00371       sentry __cerb(*this);
00372       if (__cerb)
00373     {
00374       streamsize __put = this->rdbuf()->sputn(__s, __n);
00375       if ( __put != __n)
00376         this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00377     }
00378       return *this;
00379     }
00381   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00382     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00383     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::flush()
00384     {
00385       sentry __cerb(*this);
00386       if (__cerb) 
00387     {
00388       if (this->rdbuf() && this->rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1)
00389         this->setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00390     }
00391       return *this;
00392     }
00394   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00395     typename basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type
00396     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::tellp()
00397     {
00398       pos_type __ret = pos_type(-1);
00399       bool __testok = this->fail() != true;
00401       if (__testok)
00402     __ret = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::out);
00403       return __ret;
00404     }
00407   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00408     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00409     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::seekp(pos_type __pos)
00410     {
00411       bool __testok = this->fail() != true;
00413       if (__testok)
00414     {
00416 // 136.  seekp, seekg setting wrong streams?
00417       pos_type __err = this->rdbuf()->pubseekpos(__pos, ios_base::out);
00419 // 129. Need error indication from seekp() and seekg()
00420       if (__err == pos_type(off_type(-1)))
00421         this->setstate(failbit);
00422 #endif
00423     }
00424       return *this;
00425     }
00427   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00428     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00429     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::
00430     seekp(off_type __off, ios_base::seekdir __d)
00431     {
00432       bool __testok = this->fail() != true;
00434       if (__testok)
00435     {
00437 // 136.  seekp, seekg setting wrong streams?
00438       pos_type __err = this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(__off, __d, 
00439                              ios_base::out);
00441 // 129. Need error indication from seekp() and seekg()
00442       if (__err == pos_type(off_type(-1)))
00443         this->setstate(failbit);
00444     }
00445 #endif
00446       return *this;
00447     }
00449   // Character inserters
00451   // Construct correctly padded string, as per
00452   // Similar in theory to __pad_numeric, from num_put, but it doesn't
00453   // use _S_fill: perhaps it should.
00454   // Assumes 
00455   // __newlen > __oldlen
00456   // __news is allocated for __newlen size
00457   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00458     void
00459     __pad_char(basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>& __ios, 
00460            _CharT* __news, const _CharT* __olds,
00461            const streamsize __newlen, const streamsize __oldlen)
00462     {
00463       typedef _CharT    char_type;
00464       typedef _Traits   traits_type;
00465       typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type;
00467       int_type __plen = static_cast<size_t>(__newlen - __oldlen); 
00468       char_type* __pads = static_cast<char_type*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(char_type) * __plen));
00469       traits_type::assign(__pads, __plen, __ios.fill()); 
00471       char_type* __beg;
00472       char_type* __end;
00473       size_t __mod = 0;
00474       size_t __beglen; //either __plen or __oldlen
00475       ios_base::fmtflags __fmt = __ios.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield;
00477       if (__fmt == ios_base::left)
00478     {
00479       // Padding last.
00480       __beg = const_cast<char_type*>(__olds);
00481       __beglen = __oldlen;
00482       __end = __pads;
00483     }
00484       else if (__fmt == ios_base::internal)
00485     {
00486       // Pad after the sign, if there is one.
00487       // Pad after 0[xX], if there is one.
00488       // Who came up with these rules, anyway? Jeeze.
00489       typedef _Format_cache<_CharT> __cache_type;
00490       __cache_type const* __lfmt = __cache_type::_S_get(__ios);
00491       const char_type* __minus = traits_type::find(__olds, __oldlen, 
00492                                __lfmt->_S_minus);
00493       const char_type* __plus = traits_type::find(__olds, __oldlen, 
00494                               __lfmt->_S_plus);
00495       bool __testsign = __minus || __plus;
00496       bool __testhex = __olds[0] == '0' 
00497                    && (__olds[1] == 'x' || __olds[1] == 'X');
00499       if (__testhex)
00500         {
00501           __news[0] = __olds[0]; 
00502           __news[1] = __olds[1];
00503           __mod += 2;
00504           __beg = const_cast<char_type*>(__olds + __mod);
00505           __beglen = __oldlen - __mod;
00506           __end = __pads;
00507         }
00508       else if (__testsign)
00509         {
00510           __mod += __plen;
00511           const char_type* __sign = __minus ? __minus + 1: __plus + 1;
00512           __beg = const_cast<char_type*>(__olds);
00513           __beglen = __sign - __olds;
00514           __end = const_cast<char_type*>(__sign + __plen);
00515           traits_type::copy(__news + __beglen, __pads, __plen);
00516         }
00517       else
00518         {
00519           // Padding first.
00520           __beg = __pads;
00521           __beglen = __plen;
00522           __end = const_cast<char_type*>(__olds);
00523         }
00524     }
00525       else
00526     {
00527       // Padding first.
00528       __beg = __pads;
00529       __beglen = __plen;
00530       __end = const_cast<char_type*>(__olds);
00531     }
00533       traits_type::copy(__news, __beg, __beglen);
00534       traits_type::copy(__news + __beglen, __end, __newlen - __beglen - __mod);
00535     }
00537   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00538     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00539     operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, _CharT __c)
00540     {
00541       typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00542       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00543       if (__cerb)
00544     {
00545       try 
00546         {
00547           streamsize __w = __out.width();
00548           _CharT* __pads = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w));
00549           __pads[0] = __c;
00550           streamsize __len = 1;
00551           if (__w > __len)
00552         {
00553           __pad_char(__out, __pads, &__c, __w, __len);
00554           __len = __w;
00555         }
00556           __out.write(__pads, __len);
00557           __out.width(0);
00558         }
00559       catch(exception& __fail)
00560         {
00561           // Common requirements.
00562           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00563           __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00564           if ((__out.exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00565         __throw_exception_again;
00566         }
00567     }
00568       return __out;
00569     }
00571   // Specialization
00572   template <class _Traits> 
00573     basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&
00574     operator<<(basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& __out, char __c)
00575     {
00576       typedef basic_ostream<char, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00577       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00578       if (__cerb)
00579     {
00580       try 
00581         {
00582           streamsize __w = __out.width();
00583           char* __pads = static_cast<char*>(__builtin_alloca(__w + 1));
00584           __pads[0] = __c;
00585           streamsize __len = 1;
00586           if (__w > __len)
00587         {
00588           __pad_char(__out, __pads, &__c, __w, __len);
00589           __len = __w;
00590         }
00591           __out.write(__pads, __len);
00592           __out.width(0);
00593         }
00594       catch(exception& __fail)
00595         {
00596           // Common requirements.
00597           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00598           __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00599           if ((__out.exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00600         __throw_exception_again;
00601         }
00602     }
00603       return __out;
00604      }
00606   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00607     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00608     operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const _CharT* __s)
00609     {
00610       typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00611       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00612       if (__cerb)
00613     {
00614       try 
00615         {
00616           streamsize __w = __out.width();
00617           _CharT* __pads = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w));
00618           streamsize __len = static_cast<streamsize>(_Traits::length(__s));
00619           if (__w > __len)
00620         {
00621           __pad_char(__out, __pads, __s, __w, __len);
00622           __s = __pads;
00623           __len = __w;
00624         }
00625           __out.write(__s, __len);
00626           __out.width(0);
00627         }
00628       catch(exception& __fail)
00629         {
00630           // Common requirements.
00631           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00632           __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00633           if ((__out.exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00634         __throw_exception_again;
00635         }
00636     }
00637       return __out;
00638     }
00640   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
00641     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00642     operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const char* __s)
00643     {
00644       typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00646 // 167.  Improper use of traits_type::length()
00647       typedef char_traits<char>          __ctraits_type;
00648 #endif
00649       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00650       if (__cerb)
00651     {
00652       size_t __clen = __ctraits_type::length(__s);
00653       _CharT* __ws = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * (__clen + 1)));
00654       for (size_t  __i = 0; __i <= __clen; ++__i)
00655         __ws[__i] = __out.widen(__s[__i]);
00656       _CharT* __str = __ws;
00658       try 
00659         {
00660           streamsize __len = static_cast<streamsize>(__clen);
00661           streamsize __w = __out.width();
00662           _CharT* __pads = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w));
00664           if (__w > __len)
00665         {
00666           __pad_char(__out, __pads, __ws, __w, __len);
00667           __str = __pads;
00668           __len = __w;
00669         }
00670           __out.write(__str, __len);
00671           __out.width(0);
00672         }
00673       catch(exception& __fail)
00674         {
00675           // Common requirements.
00676           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00677           __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00678           if ((__out.exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00679         __throw_exception_again;
00680         }
00681     }
00682       return __out;
00683     }
00685   // Partial specializationss
00686   template<class _Traits>
00687     basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&
00688     operator<<(basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& __out, const char* __s)
00689     {
00690       typedef basic_ostream<char, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00691       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00692       if (__cerb)
00693     {
00694       try 
00695         {
00696           streamsize __w = __out.width();
00697           char* __pads = static_cast<char*>(__builtin_alloca(__w));
00698           streamsize __len = static_cast<streamsize>(_Traits::length(__s));
00699           if (__w > __len)
00700         {
00701           __pad_char(__out, __pads, __s, __w, __len);
00702           __s = __pads;
00703           __len = __w;
00704         }
00705           __out.write(__s, __len);
00706           __out.width(0);
00707         }
00708       catch(exception& __fail)
00709         {
00710           // Common requirements.
00711           // Turn this on without causing an ios::failure to be thrown.
00712           __out.setstate(ios_base::badbit);
00713           if ((__out.exceptions() & ios_base::badbit) != 0)
00714         __throw_exception_again;
00715         }
00716     }
00717       return __out;
00718     }
00720   // basic_string::operator<<
00721   template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
00722     basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
00723     operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out,
00724            const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
00725     { 
00726       typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
00727       typename __ostream_type::sentry __cerb(__out);
00728       if (__cerb)
00729     {
00730       const _CharT* __s = __str.data();
00731       streamsize __w = __out.width();
00732       _CharT* __pads = static_cast<_CharT*>(__builtin_alloca(sizeof(_CharT) * __w));
00733       streamsize __len = static_cast<streamsize>(__str.size());
00735       // 25. String operator<< uses width() value wrong
00736 #endif
00737       if (__w > __len)
00738         {
00739           __pad_char(__out, __pads, __s, __w, __len);
00740           __s = __pads;
00741           __len = __w;
00742         }
00743       streamsize __res = __out.rdbuf()->sputn(__s, __len);
00744       __out.width(0);
00745       if (__res != __len)
00746         __out.setstate(ios_base::failbit);
00747     }
00748       return __out;
00749     }
00750 } // namespace std
00752 // Local Variables:
00753 // mode:C++
00754 // End:

Generated on Mon Apr 8 03:11:30 2002 for libstdc++-v3 Source by doxygen1.2.15