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GNU gettext utilities

1. Introduction  
2. PO Files and PO Mode Basics  
3. Preparing Program Sources  
4. Making the PO Template File  
5. Creating a New PO File  
6. Updating Existing PO Files  
7. Producing Binary MO Files  
8. The User's View  
9. The Programmer's View  
10. The Translator's View  
11. The Maintainer's View  
12. Concluding Remarks  

A. Language Codes  ISO 639 language codes
B. Country Codes  ISO 3166 country codes

 -- The Detailed Node Listing ---


1.1 The Purpose of GNU gettext  
1.2 I18n, L10n, and Such  
1.3 Aspects in Native Language Support  
1.4 Files Conveying Translations  
1.5 Overview of GNU gettext  

PO Files and PO Mode Basics

2.1 Completing GNU gettext Installation  
2.2 The Format of PO Files  
2.3 Main PO mode Commands  Main Commands
2.4 Entry Positioning  
2.5 Normalizing Strings in Entries  

Preparing Program Sources

3.1 Triggering gettext Operations  
3.2 How Marks Appear in Sources  
3.3 Marking Translatable Strings  
3.4 Special Comments preceding Keywords  Telling something about the following string
3.5 Special Cases of Translatable Strings  

Making the PO Template File

4.1 Invoking the xgettext Program  

Updating Existing PO Files

6.1 Invoking the msgmerge Program  
6.2 Translated Entries  
6.3 Fuzzy Entries  
6.4 Untranslated Entries  
6.5 Obsolete Entries  
6.6 Modifying Translations  
6.7 Modifying Comments  
6.8 Details of Sub Edition  Mode for Editing Translations
6.9 C Sources Context  
6.10 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files  
6.11 Using Translation Compendiums  

Producing Binary MO Files

7.1 Invoking the msgfmt Program  
7.2 The Format of GNU MO Files  

The User's View

8.1 The Current `ABOUT-NLS' Matrix  
8.2 Magic for Installers  
8.3 Magic for End Users  

The Programmer's View

9.1 About catgets  
9.2 About gettext  
9.3 Comparing the Two Interfaces  Comparing the two interfaces
9.4 Using libintl.a in own programs  
9.5 Being a gettext grok  
9.6 Temporary Notes for the Programmers Chapter  

About catgets

9.1.1 The Interface  The interface
9.1.2 Problems with the catgets Interface?!  Problems with the catgets interface?!

About gettext

9.2.1 The Interface  The interface
9.2.2 Solving Ambiguities  Solving ambiguities
9.2.3 Locating Message Catalog Files  Locating message catalog files
9.2.4 How to specify the output character set gettext uses  How to request conversion to Unicode
9.2.5 Additional functions for plural forms  Additional functions for handling plurals
9.2.6 How to use gettext in GUI programs  Another technique for solving ambiguities
9.2.7 Optimization of the *gettext functions  

Temporary Notes for the Programmers Chapter

9.6.1 Temporary - Two Possible Implementations  
9.6.2 Temporary - About catgets  
9.6.3 Temporary - Why a single implementation  
9.6.4 Temporary - Notes  

The Translator's View

10.1 Introduction 0  
10.2 Introduction 1  
10.3 Discussions  
10.4 Organization  
10.5 Information Flow  


10.4.1 Central Coordination  
10.4.2 National Teams  
10.4.3 Mailing Lists  

National Teams Sub-Cultures Organizational Ideas  

The Maintainer's View

11.1 Flat or Non-Flat Directory Structures  
11.2 Prerequisite Works  
11.3 Invoking the gettextize Program  
11.4 Files You Must Create or Alter  

Files You Must Create or Alter

11.4.1 `POTFILES.in' in `po/'  
11.4.2 `configure.in' at top level  
11.4.3 `config.guess', `config.sub' at top level  
11.4.4 `aclocal.m4' at top level  
11.4.5 `acconfig.h' at top level  
11.4.6 `Makefile.in' at top level  
11.4.7 `Makefile.in' in `src/'  

Concluding Remarks

12.1 History of GNU gettext  
12.2 Related Readings  

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