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The GnomeUIInfo structure

7.3. The GnomeUIInfo structure

GnomeAppHelper uses arrays of GnomeUIInfo structures to define the items that compose a menu bar or toolbar. Each item contains an optional icon and a text label. Each item has a callback function attached to it that gets invoked when the item is activated. Also, items may have a hotkey defined for them. Items may have a check-box or be grouped inside a radio group. Also, menu items may specify a subtree which they spawn.

The GnomeUIInfo structure is defined as follows.

	typedef struct {
	GnomeUIInfoType type ;
	gchar *label;
	gchar *hint;
	gpointer moreinfo;
	gpointer user_data;
	gpointer unused_data;
	GnomeUIPixmapType pixmap_type;
	gpointer pixmap_info;
	guint accelerator_key;
	GdkModifierType ac_mods;
	GtkWidget *widget;
	} GnomeUIInfo;

These are the fields in the GnomeUIInfo structure.


This field is used to specify the type of item that should be created. The rest of the fields in the structure define the item's attributes. The type field can have the following values:


This indicates that a normal item should be created. If the item is inside a radio group (see below), then a radio item will be created, by default in its inactive state.


This indicates that a a toggle item should be created. By default it starts in the inactive state.


This indicates that a group of radio items should be created. The moreinfo field must point to an array of items that will be created as the radio items in the group. By default the first item will be the active item in the radio group.


This indicates that the created item should have a submenu attached to it. The moreinfo field must point to an array of items that will be put in the submenu. This item type is not supported in toolbars.


This indicates that a separator should be created. For menus this is a separator line, and for toolbars it is a blank space.


This indicates that help entries should be created. The moreinfo field must point to a string with the application's ID string. See below for additional information on creating the help entries.


This indicates that all subsequent items should be aligned on the right side of the menu they are on. This only works for menus and only makes sense for menu bars.


This is intended for language bindings and GUI builders — it is not needed for normal programs. It specifies that all subsequent items should use a different GnomeUIBuilderData structure from the one that was in use then the item was inserted. The moreinfo field should point to the desired GnomeUIBuilderData structure.


This is used to indicate the end of an array of items. It is very important to include an element of this type as the last entry in GnomeUIInfo arrays.


This is used to indicate that the values for this menu item should be loaded from a configuration file. A description of the format for the configuration file is given in Section 7.5. These should probably not be used manually. Each possible configurable item has a matching convenience macro (see Section 7.4).

However, for completeness, a description of the programmatic use of this type is given. When using this item, most of the data is ignored. The exceptions are three fold. Firstly, the moreinfo and data fields are treated exactly as in a GNOME_APP_UI_ITEM GnomeUIInfo array element. Secondly, the accelerator_key field is an integer cast from an element of the GNOMEUIInfoConfigurableTypes enum describing which configurable menu item this represents. Finally, if accelerator_key is 0, i.e. GNOME_APP_CONFIGURABLE_ITEM_NEW, then label and hint are both used verbatim.

The other fields in the GnomeUIInfo structure are used to specify the attributes of the item being defined.


This field is used to specify the text label for the item being created. The un-translated version of the label should be specified; GnomeAppHelper calls the translation routines itself.

For menu items it is desirable to have an underlined letter in the label, so that the user knows that he can press that letter on the keyboard and activate the corresponding menu item. To specify an underlined letter, put an underscore (_) before it in the label's string. Examples are, "_File", "_Edit", and "_Copy".


This field specifies an optional string that should be used for the tooltip in toolbar items or for the status bar hint in menu items. The un-translated version of the hint should be specified. If no hint string is desired, specify NULL.


This field is used to specify different things according to the type of item that is being defined.


This should point to the data you want to pass to the callback that will be activated when the menu or toolbar item is selected. Frequently you will leave this as NULL and pass a specific data pointer to all callbacks using the functions defined below.


This field is reserved for future expansion, and should be set to NULL.


This should be one of the following values.


This field specifies the information used to create the pixmap for the item's icon.


This field is used to specify an optional accelerator key for the item. Applications should use the standard accelerator keys defined in the GNOME User Interface Guidelines.

You should specify the key code of the key you want to use as an accelerator. Key codes are listed in the gdkkeysyms.h include file.


This field is used to specify the modifier keys that should be used in conjunction with the key specified in the accelerator_key field for the item's accelerator. Applications should use the standard accelerator keys defined in the GNOME User Interface Guidelines.

The value in this field is a bit mask composed of the values in the GdkModifierType enumeration.


This field is filled in by the GnomeAppHelper functions. Once you have called one of the functions that take an array of GnomeUIInfo structures and turn it into a widget tree, the widget fields of the structures in the array will have pointers to the created widgets. You can use these pointers to do several operations like hide and show the items, and make them insensitive.

In addition to the plain GnomeUIInfo structures, GnomeAppHelper provides some macros to make filling these structures easier. These are most useful for items that require a few parameters and for toolbars, which do not have as many options as menus.