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SDL_GLattr -- SDL GL Attributes


SDL_GL_RED_SIZESize of the framebuffer red component, in bits
SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZESize of the framebuffer green component, in bits
SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZESize of the framebuffer blue component, in bits
SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZESize of the framebuffer alpha component, in bits
SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER0 or 1, enable or disable double buffering
SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZESize of the framebuffer, in bits
SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZESize of the depth buffer, in bits
SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZESize of the stencil buffer, in bits
SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZESize of the accumulation buffer red component, in bits
SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZESize of the accumulation buffer green component, in bits
SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZESize of the accumulation buffer blue component, in bits
SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZESize of the accumulation buffer alpha component, in bits


While you can set most OpenGL attributes normally, the attributes list above must be known before SDL sets the video mode. These attributes a set and read with SDL_GL_SetAttribute and SDL_GL_GetAttribute.