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PGP Authentication Support

17.13. PGP Authentication Support

PGP is a well known encryption and authentication program. For more details see the web site http://www.pgp.net or the ftp site ftp://ftp.pgp.net.

LPRng has greatly simplified the use of PGP for authentication by building in support as follows.

  • The user and group configuration entry (defaults daemon and daemon respectively) specify the user and group id used by the lpd server for file and program execution. PGP uses the current user id of the PGP process to determine the locations of various configuration files and information. In this discussion we will assume that lpd runs as uid daemon.

  • By default, the PGP program expects the public and secret key rings to be in the $HOME/.pgp/ directory to be readable only by the user. In order to set up PGP authentication, make sure that the daemon account has a home directory. Then use the su daemon command to change effective UID to daemon and run the pgp -kg (generate key) command as daemon. The daemon user should not have a password.

  • Each PGP key has an associated identifier. It is recommended that the lpd key be lpr@hostname, where hostname is the fully qualified domain name of the server. A public and a private key file will be created.

  • Next, place the passphrase for the daemon user in ~daemon/.pgp/serverkey, and make sure it has owner daemon and 600 permissions (read/write only by daemon). This is extremely important. If other users can read this file then security will be severely compromised.

  • Next, distribute the lpr@hostname public key to all users of the LPRng server. This is usually done by placing the public key in a well known file location or making it available to users by some form of Public Key Distribution system (PKD). The key can be extracted and put into a text file using the following commands:

        pgp -kxa userid destfile keyfile
        > pgp -kxa lpr@astart /tmp/lprkey ~daemon/.pgp/pubring.pgp
        Key for user ID: lpr@astart
        512-bit key, key ID BB261B89, created 1999/01/01
        Transport armor file: /tmp/lprkey.asc
        Key extracted to file '/tmp/lprkey.asc'.

  • To allow a user to send files to the server, their public key must be put into the daemon public key ring. This can be done using:

        pgp -ka /tmp/lprkey.asc

  • Finally, the administrator will need to add users public keys to the daemon users public key ring. This can most easily be done by copying all the keys (in ASCII text form) to a single file (/tmp/keyfile)and using:

        su daemon
        pgp -ka /tmp/keyfile ~daemon/.pgp/pubring.pgp

  • If the lpd server is using PGP to forward jobs or requests, the destination server's public key must be put in the originating servers public keyring. For example:

        su daemon
        pgp -ka /tmp/lpd.keyfile ~daemon/.pgp/pubring.pgp

17.13.1. Printcap Configuration

Options used:

  • pgp_path=path to PGP program

  • pgp_id=destination server key used by clients

  • pgp_forward_id=destination server used by server

  • pgp_server_key=path to server passphrase file

Example printcap entry:


The pgp_path value is the path to the PGP program. The program must be executable by all users.

The pgp_id value is the id used by PGP to look extract keys from key rings. When doing a client to server transfer this will be supplied as the id to be used for the destination, and the user's public keyring will be checked for a key corresponding to this id. When a request arrives at the server, the server will use this value as the id of a key in its private key ring. Finally, when a server is forwarding a request to a remote server, it will use this value as the id of the key in its private key ring to be used to sign or encode the destination information.

The pgp_forward_id value is used by the lpd server as the id to use to find a key for the destination.

The pgp_server_key is the path to the file containing the server passphrase. This file will be read by lpd to get the passphrase to unlock the server's keyring.

17.13.2. User Files and Environment Variables

Options used:

  • PGPPASSFILE=File to read PGP passphrase from

  • PGPPASSFD=File descriptor to read PGP passphrase from

  • PGPPASS=PGP passphrase

One problem with using PGP is the need to have users input their passphrases. The following methods can be used.

  • Put the passphrase in a file, say $(HOME)/.pgp/.hidden, and set the PGPPASSFILE environment variable to the file name. This file will be opened and read by PGP to get the passphrase. This file should be owned by the user and have 0600 or read/write only by user permissions.

  • A more subtle solution is to use the PGPPASSFD environment variable facility. This causes PGP to read the passphrase from a file descriptor. If the user puts his passphrase in a file, say $(HOME)/.pgp/.hidden, then the following shell script can be used:

        #  /usr/local/bin/pgplpr script - passphrase in $(HOME)/.pgp/.hidden
        PGPASSFD=3 3<$(HOME)/.pgp/.hidden lpr "$@"

  • The least desirable method is to put the passphrase in the PGPPASS environment variable. Since the ps command can be used to list the environment variables of processes, this is highly undesirable and should not be used under any circumstances.