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Releases Notes for 0.6.1

The Blue Mango Quest 0.6.1
Agust, 3rd. 2001 Release

Release Notes (last update : August, 3st. 2001, by Clément 'phneutre' Bourdarias (programmer))

  • General notes

This is a bugfix release. Read ChangeLogs for more details.
You can also read the 0.6.0 Release Notes if you haven't read it yet and want some more general notes.

  • Packages
I added several new packages. Here is a description :

  1.  Linux users :

- mangoquest-0.6.1.tar.bz2 : complete package (sources and datas) with 256x256 textures
- mangoquest-0.6.1-128.tar.bz2 : complete package (sources and datas) with 128x128 textures (reduces size of package but it is less beautiful)

- mangoquest-0.6.1-src_only.tar.bz2 : MangoQuest and MangoPeeler 0.6.1, sources only. You need to download a datas package unless you already have these datas installed.
- mangoquest-0.6.1-data.tar.bz2 : MangoQuest and MangoPeeler datas with 256x256 textures
- mangoquest-0.6.1-data-128.tar.bz2 : MangoQuest and MangoPeeler datas, 128x128 textures

WARNING : you have to extract the datas INTO mangoquest-0.6.1 sources directory, and BEFORE lauching ./configure and building the programs.
I suggest you to take a complete package for 0.6.1 even if you have already downloaded 0.6.0, because many textures of 0.6.0 are corrupted (this is the reason of the annoying "Too many IDAT's found"). However, if you don't mind about this message, you can take only the sources to upgrade from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1, because there is no new datas.

  2.  Windows users :

All packages are the same that for Linux users, except that there are in zip format and that the mangoquest-0.6.1.zip is a complete binary package (not a source package).
There is also a new package :
- mangoquest-0.6.1-win32-bin_only.zip : contains only the executables, without the requires DLL (I assume you already have them).
In order to play, you need either the bin_only and a data package, or a complete package (mangoquest-0.6.1-win32.zip or mangoquest-0.6.1-128-win32.zip).

I hope these new packages will be more handy (they are at least smaller...).

-Clément 'phneutre' Bourdarias