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PilRC v2.8p7

(c) 1997-1999 Wes Cherry   wesc@technosis.com
(c) 2000-2001 Aaron Ardiri aaron@ardiri.com
PilRC is an application that takes a resource script file and generates one or more binary resource files that are to be used when developing for the Palm Computing Platform. PilRCUI gives you a preview of your resource file.

*NOTE* color support available *NOTE*

The source code and binaries are available free of charge and are Copyrighted 1997-2000 by Wes Cherry and Aaron Ardiri. PilRC is now GNU GPL! Please read the "LICENSE.TXT" file in the PilRC distribution to understand any issues pertaining to the modification and distribution of PilRC.

"Palm" is a trademark of Palm Computing Inc.