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Debugging with GDB: GDB/MI Output Syntax
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19.1.2 GDB/MI Output Syntax

The output from GDB/MI consists of zero or more out-of-band records followed, optionally, by a single result record. This result record is for the most recent command. The sequence of output records is terminated by `(gdb)'.

If an input command was prefixed with a token then the corresponding output for that command will also be prefixed by that same token.

output ==>
( out-of-band-record )* [ result-record ] "(gdb)" nl

result-record ==>
[ token ] "^" result-class ( "," result )* nl

out-of-band-record ==>
async-record | stream-record

async-record ==>
exec-async-output | status-async-output | notify-async-output

exec-async-output ==>
[ token ] "*" async-output

status-async-output ==>
[ token ] "+" async-output

notify-async-output ==>
[ token ] "=" async-output

async-output ==>
async-class ( "," result )* nl

result-class ==>
"done" | "running" | "connected" | "error" | "exit"

async-class ==>
"stopped" | others (where others will be added depending on the needs--this is still in development).

result ==>
[ string "=" ] value

value ==>
const | "{" result ( "," result )* "}"

const ==>

stream-record ==>
console-stream-output | target-stream-output | log-stream-output

console-stream-output ==>
"~" c-string

target-stream-output ==>
"@" c-string

log-stream-output ==>
"&" c-string

nl ==>

token ==>
any sequence of digits.

In addition, the following are still being developed:

This action is currently undefined.


  • All output sequences end in a single line containing a period.

  • The token is from the corresponding request. If an execution command is interrupted by the `-exec-interrupt' command, the token associated with the `*stopped' message is the one of the original execution command, not the one of the interrupt-command.

  • status-async-output contains on-going status information about the progress of a slow operation. It can be discarded. All status output is prefixed by `+'.

  • exec-async-output contains asynchronous state change on the target (stopped, started, disappeared). All async output is prefixed by `*'.

  • notify-async-output contains supplementary information that the client should handle (e.g., a new breakpoint information). All notify output is prefixed by `='.

  • console-stream-output is output that should be displayed as is in the console. It is the textual response to a CLI command. All the console output is prefixed by `~'.

  • target-stream-output is the output produced by the target program. All the target output is prefixed by `@'.

  • log-stream-output is output text coming from GDB's internals, for instance messages that should be displayed as part of an error log. All the log output is prefixed by `&'.

See section GDB/MI Stream Records, for more details about the various output records.

See section GDB/MI Draft Changes to Output Syntax, for proposed revisions to the current output syntax.

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