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Using PRC-Tools: build-prc
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6.1 build-prc

build-prc [ -l ] [ -L ] [ -t type ] prcfile app-name crid file...

build-prc [ -o file | --output file ]
          [ -a file | --appinfo file ]
          [ -s file | --sortinfo file ]
          [ -l ] [ -L ] [ -t type | --type type ]
          [ -c crid | --creator crid ]
          [ -n name | --name name ]
          [ -m num | --modification-number num ]
          [ -v num | --version-number num ]
          [ --read-only ] [ --appinfo-dirty ] [ --backup ]
          [ --ok-to-install-newer ] [ --reset-after-install ]
          [ --copy-prevention ] [ --stream ] [ --hidden ]
          [ --launchable-data ] [ --recyclable ] [ --bundle ]
	  [ -z n | --compress-data n ]

build-prc reads resources from the input files given and combines them into one output Palm OS .prc resource data file. There are two styles of build-prc command line: in the old style, the first three non-option arguments describe the output file, and input files don't start until the fourth argument. In the new style, all non-option arguments are input files. An invocation is new-style if the first file argument does not have a .prc extension or if the -o option is used.

Input files are identified by their extension:

A project definition file, which controls the post-linking process. If your project uses a definition file, there can be only one and it must be first in the list of input files. (Hence definition files can only be used in a new-style invocation.)

A raw binary resource file (the .grc style filename is produced by obj-res). The contents of a raw file are added to the output as a type #nnnn resource, where nnnn is in hexadecimal.

Files with no extensions are treated as bfd executables. Sections from a bfd executable are converted to resources according to a definition file, or, if there is no definition file, as if the application project kind was specified.

By default, build-prc uses its first non-option argument as the filename for its output .prc file. In an old-style command line, prcfile is used as is. In a new-style command line, the output filename is formed by removing the extension, if any, from the first file argument and appending `.prc'.

-o file
--output file
Write the .prc output to file. It is an error to use this option in an old-style command line, as it conflicts with the mandatory prcfile argument.

-a file
--appinfo file
Add an AppInfo block with the contents of file to the database.

-s file
--sortinfo file
Add a SortInfo block with the contents of file to the database.

-t type
--type type
Set the database's type to type, overriding any type it may get from a definition file or elsewhere.

Equivalent to -t GLib.

Equivalent to -t libr---i.e., build a system library.

-c crid
--creator crid
Set the database's creator ID to crid, overriding any ID it may get from a definition file. It is an error to use this option in an old-style command line, as it conflicts with the mandatory crid argument.

-n name
--name name
Set the database's name to name, overriding any name it may get from a definition file. It is an error to use this option in an old-style command line, as it conflicts with the mandatory app-name argument.

-m num
--modification-number num
Set the modification number in the database header to num.

-v num
--version-number num
Set the database header version number to num.

Set the corresponding database header attribute, adding to any attributes set in a definition file. These options may also be spelt without the internal hyphens (--readonly, etc).

-z N
--compress-data N
Compress the data resource, `data #0'. Compression ranges from 0, no compression, to 7, full (and somewhat experimental!) compression.

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