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XV: Color Allocation in xv

Color Allocation in xv

Allocating colors on an X11 display is not as trivial a matter as it might seem on first glance. xv goes to a lot of trouble to allocate colors from what is essentially a scarce resource. This appendix is provided for those inquisitive types who'd be interested in learning how to successfully 'argue' with an X server.

Note: If you're using a TrueColor display, you can safely ignore this appendix, as none of the following actually happens on your system. On a TrueColor system, there is no colormap. Pixel values directly correspond to displayed color values. For example, in a typical 24-bit TrueColor display, each pixel value is a 24-bit unsigned number, which corresponds to an 8-bit Red component, an 8-bit Green component, and an 8-bit Blue component, bitwise shifted and OR-ed together to form a 24-bit number. As a result, all displayable colors are always available for use.

The Problem with PseudoColor Displays

Most color X displays use a 'visual' model called PseudoColor. On a PseudoColor display, pixel values are small unsigned integers which point into a 'colormap', which contains an RGB triple for each possible pixel value. As an example, on a typical 8-bit color X display, pixel values can range between 0 and 255, inclusive. There is a 256-entry colormap which contains an RGB triple for each possible pixel value. When the video display hardware sees a pixel value of '7', for instance, it looks up color #7 in the colormap, and sends the RGB components found in that position of the colormap to the video monitor for display.

In the X Window System, entries on the display's colormap (called colorcells) are a scarce resource. At any time, out of the 256 colors available (in an 8-bit PseudoColor system), several of these colors may already be in use by your window manager, the cursor, and other applications. As such, xv cannot assume that it has 256 colors at its disposal, because it generally doesn't.

A word on the xv color allocation policy: The overall goal is to "make this one image being displayed right now look as good as possible, without changing the colors of any other applications." You can modify this goal slightly to suit your purposes, on the off chance that your goal isn't the same as my goal. See "Color Allocation Commands" for further details.

xv's Default Color Allocation Algorithm

By default, xv will allocate 'read-only' colorcells. Since these colorcells cannot be changed by the application, they can be freely shared among applications. This is the default behavior because it is the most likely to succeed in getting the colors it needs. It does, however, slow down any color changes made in the xv color editor window. If you intend to be doing any serious color modification, you should probably run xv with the '-rw' option.

When allocating read-only colorcells, xv uses a four-step process to acquire the colors it wants.

The first step is to sort the desired colors by order of 'importance', so that we ask for the most 'important' colors first. See "The Diversity Algorithm" for more details on this step.

The next step (Phase 1 Color Allocation) is to ask for each color in the list. Colors that we failed to get (presumably because there are no more entries available in the colormap) are marked for use in the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Color Allocation steps.

If we successfully allocated all the desired colors in Phase 1, the algorithm exits at this time. Otherwise, it goes on to Phase 2. In Phase 2, the display's colormap is examined. For each color that went unallocated in Phase 1, the program looks for the color in the display's colormap that is the 'nearest' match to the originally desired color. It then tries to allocate these 'nearest' colors as read-only colorcells. The number of successful allocations in Phase 2 will be displayed in the string "Got ## 'close' colors.", visible in the xv info window.

If all the colors have been successfully allocated by this point, the algorithm exits. Otherwise, it continues on the Phase 3. In Phase 3, any colors still unallocated are simply mapped into the 'nearest' colors that were allocated in Phase 1 or Phase 2.

'Perfect' Color Allocation

If you'd like the image displayed "as nicely as possible on this display, and everything else be damned", you can run xv in 'perfect' mode, by specifying the '-perfect' option on the command line.

In 'perfect' mode, color allocation proceeds much like it does in 'imperfect' mode. The colors are sorted in decreasing order of 'importance'. Each of these colors is then requested, as in the Phase 1 color allocation code described above.

The big change comes on a failed allocation request. If a color is not successfully allocated in Phase 1, and this is the first failed request, we assume that the colormap is full. The program frees all the colors allocated so far, creates and installs a completely new colormap. When a new colormap is installed, everything else on the screen (including other xv windows) will go to hell. Only the image window will look correct. Generally, the colormap will remain installed as long as your mouse is inside the image window. It is, however, up to your particular window manager to decide how multiple colormaps are handled..

After the colormap has been installed, the program starts Phase 1 over again, allocating colors from the new, empty colormap. If any color allocation requests still fail, they are marked and dealt with in Phase 2. (It is possible for allocation requests from the new, empty colormap to fail, as the program may be asking for more colors than are available in a colormap. For example, you could be running xv on a 4- or 6-bit display, which only would have 16 or 64 colors (respectively) in a colormap.)

Phase 2 operates as described above, except that it looks for 'nearest' matches in the newly created colormap. Also, since xv already owns every color in this colormap, we don't technically have to 'allocate' any of them in this Phase. We already have allocated them once.

Note that 'perfect' mode only creates and installs a new colormap if it was necessary. If all the Phase 1 color allocation requests succeeded, a new colormap will not be created.

Allocating Read-Write Colors

It is sometimes desirable to allocate read-write colorcells instead of read-only colorcells. Read-write colorcells cannot be shared among programs. As such, unless you use 'perfect' mode as well, you are likely to successfully allocate fewer colors. That's the disadvantage. The advantage is that, since xv completely owns these colorcells, it can do what it wishes with them. Color changes (as controlled by the xv color editor window) will happen almost instantaneously, as the program only has to store new RGB values in the colorcells, rather than free all the colors and reallocate new different colors.

To allocate read-write colorcells, start xv with the ' -rw ' option. Colorcells are allocated one at a time. If an allocation request fails, the code stops allocating new colorcells. (Unless you've also specified 'perfect' mode. In 'perfect' mode, the first time an allocation request fails, all allocated colors are freed, a new, empty colormap is created and installed, and all colors are reallocated. If there is an allocation error in this second pass, the code stops allocating new colorcells.)

If there are still unallocated color remaining, these colors are simply mapped into the closest colors that were allocated.

For further information, and actual code that does everything described in this appendix, see the functions 'AllocROColors()' and 'AllocRWColors()', both of which can be found in the source module 'xvcolor.c'.