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Info Node: (elisp)Files


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   In Emacs, you can find, create, view, save, and otherwise work with
files and file directories.  This chapter describes most of the
file-related functions of Emacs Lisp, but a few others are described in
Note: Buffers, and those related to backups and auto-saving are
described in Note: Backups and Auto-Saving.

   Many of the file functions take one or more arguments that are file
names.  A file name is actually a string.  Most of these functions
expand file name arguments by calling `expand-file-name', so that `~'
is handled correctly, as are relative file names (including `../').
These functions don't recognize environment variable substitutions such
as `$HOME'.  Note: File Name Expansion.

   When file I/O functions signal Lisp errors, they usually use the
condition `file-error' (Note: Handling Errors).  The error message is
in most cases obtained from the operating system, according to locale
`system-message-locale', and decoded using coding system
`locale-coding-system' (Note: Locales).

Visiting Files
Reading files into Emacs buffers for editing.
Saving Buffers
Writing changed buffers back into files.
Reading from Files
Reading files into buffers without visiting.
Writing to Files
Writing new files from parts of buffers.
File Locks
Locking and unlocking files, to prevent
simultaneous editing by two people.
Information about Files
Testing existence, accessibility, size of files.
Changing Files
Renaming files, changing protection, etc.
File Names
Decomposing and expanding file names.
Contents of Directories
Getting a list of the files in a directory.
Create/Delete Dirs
Creating and Deleting Directories.
Magic File Names
Defining "magic" special handling
for certain file names.
Format Conversion
Conversion to and from various file formats.

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