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(elisp)Multiple Queries

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Asking Multiple Y-or-N Questions

   When you have a series of similar questions to ask, such as "Do you
want to save this buffer" for each buffer in turn, you should use
`map-y-or-n-p' to ask the collection of questions, rather than asking
each question individually.  This gives the user certain convenient
facilities such as the ability to answer the whole series at once.

 - Function: map-y-or-n-p prompter actor list &optional help
          action-alist no-cursor-in-echo-area
     This function asks the user a series of questions, reading a
     single-character answer in the echo area for each one.

     The value of LIST specifies the objects to ask questions about.
     It should be either a list of objects or a generator function.  If
     it is a function, it should expect no arguments, and should return
     either the next object to ask about, or `nil' meaning stop asking

     The argument PROMPTER specifies how to ask each question.  If
     PROMPTER is a string, the question text is computed like this:

          (format PROMPTER OBJECT)

     where OBJECT is the next object to ask about (as obtained from

     If not a string, PROMPTER should be a function of one argument
     (the next object to ask about) and should return the question
     text.  If the value is a string, that is the question to ask the
     user.  The function can also return `t' meaning do act on this
     object (and don't ask the user), or `nil' meaning ignore this
     object (and don't ask the user).

     The argument ACTOR says how to act on the answers that the user
     gives.  It should be a function of one argument, and it is called
     with each object that the user says yes for.  Its argument is
     always an object obtained from LIST.

     If the argument HELP is given, it should be a list of this form:


     where SINGULAR is a string containing a singular noun that
     describes the objects conceptually being acted on, PLURAL is the
     corresponding plural noun, and ACTION is a transitive verb
     describing what ACTOR does.

     If you don't specify HELP, the default is `("object" "objects"
     "act on")'.

     Each time a question is asked, the user may enter `y', `Y', or
     <SPC> to act on that object; `n', `N', or <DEL> to skip that
     object; `!' to act on all following objects; <ESC> or `q' to exit
     (skip all following objects); `.' (period) to act on the current
     object and then exit; or `C-h' to get help.  These are the same
     answers that `query-replace' accepts.  The keymap
     `query-replace-map' defines their meaning for `map-y-or-n-p' as
     well as for `query-replace'; see Note: Search and Replace.

     You can use ACTION-ALIST to specify additional possible answers
     and what they mean.  It is an alist of elements of the form `(CHAR
     FUNCTION HELP)', each of which defines one additional answer.  In
     this element, CHAR is a character (the answer); FUNCTION is a
     function of one argument (an object from LIST); HELP is a string.

     When the user responds with CHAR, `map-y-or-n-p' calls FUNCTION.
     If it returns non-`nil', the object is considered "acted upon",
     and `map-y-or-n-p' advances to the next object in LIST.  If it
     returns `nil', the prompt is repeated for the same object.

     Normally, `map-y-or-n-p' binds `cursor-in-echo-area' while
     prompting.  But if NO-CURSOR-IN-ECHO-AREA is non-`nil', it does
     not do that.

     If `map-y-or-n-p' is called in a command that was invoked using the
     mouse--more precisely, if `last-nonmenu-event' (Note: Command Loop
     Info) is either `nil' or a list--then it uses a dialog box or
     pop-up menu to ask the question.  In this case, it does not use
     keyboard input or the echo area.  You can force use of the mouse
     or use of keyboard input by binding `last-nonmenu-event' to a
     suitable value around the call.

     The return value of `map-y-or-n-p' is the number of objects acted

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