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(elisp)Subroutines of Visiting

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Subroutines of Visiting

   The `find-file-noselect' function uses two important subroutines
which are sometimes useful in user Lisp code: `create-file-buffer' and
`after-find-file'.  This section explains how to use them.

 - Function: create-file-buffer filename
     This function creates a suitably named buffer for visiting
     FILENAME, and returns it.  It uses FILENAME (sans directory) as
     the name if that name is free; otherwise, it appends a string such
     as `<2>' to get an unused name.  See also Note: Creating Buffers.

     *Please note:* `create-file-buffer' does _not_ associate the new
     buffer with a file and does not select the buffer.  It also does
     not use the default major mode.

          (create-file-buffer "foo")
               => #<buffer foo>
          (create-file-buffer "foo")
               => #<buffer foo<2>>
          (create-file-buffer "foo")
               => #<buffer foo<3>>

     This function is used by `find-file-noselect'.  It uses
     `generate-new-buffer' (Note: Creating Buffers).

 - Function: after-find-file &optional error warn noauto
          after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes
     This function sets the buffer major mode, and parses local
     variables (Note: Auto Major Mode).  It is called by
     `find-file-noselect' and by the default revert function (Note:

     If reading the file got an error because the file does not exist,
     but its directory does exist, the caller should pass a non-`nil'
     value for ERROR.  In that case, `after-find-file' issues a warning:
     `(New file)'.  For more serious errors, the caller should usually
     not call `after-find-file'.

     If WARN is non-`nil', then this function issues a warning if an
     auto-save file exists and is more recent than the visited file.

     If NOAUTO is non-`nil', that says not to enable or disable
     Auto-Save mode.  The mode remains enabled if it was enabled before.

     If AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is non-`nil', that means
     this call was from `revert-buffer'.  This has no direct effect,
     but some mode functions and hook functions check the value of this

     If NOMODES is non-`nil', that means don't alter the buffer's major
     mode, don't process local variables specifications in the file,
     and don't run `find-file-hooks'.  This feature is used by
     `revert-buffer' in some cases.

     The last thing `after-find-file' does is call all the functions in
     the list `find-file-hooks'.

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