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Info Node: (ada-mode)Compiling Executing

(ada-mode)Compiling Executing

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Compiling Executing

   Ada mode  provides a much complete environment  for compiling,
debugging and running an application within Emacs.

   All the  commands used  by Emacs to  manipulate your application
can be customized in  the project file.  Some default values are
provided, but these will  likely not  be good  enough for a  big or
even medium-sized project.  See the section on the  project file for an
explanation on how to set up the commands to use.

   One   of   the  variables   you   can   set   in  your   project
file, `cross_prefix', indicates whether you are using a
cross-compilation environment, and if  yes for which target. The
default command used for compilation  will add  this `cross_prefix'  in
front  of  the name: `gcc'  will become  `cross_prefix'-`gcc',
`gnatmake' will become `cross_prefix'-`gnatmake', ....

   This  will also modify  the way  your application  is run  and
debugged, although this is not implemented at the moment.

   Here are the commands for building and using an Ada application

   * Compiling the current source This command is issued when  issuing
     the `compile' command from the Ada  menu. It  compiles
     unconditionally the  current  source using  the `comp_cmd'
     variable of the project file. Compilation options can be
     customized with the variable `comp_opt' of the project file.

     Emacs  will  display  a new  buffer  that  contains  the result
     of  the compilation.  Each line associated with an error will
     become active: you can simply click on it with the  middle button
     of the mouse, or move the cursor  on  it and  press  <RET>.  Emacs
     will then  display  the relevant source file and put the cursor
     on the line and column the error was found at.

     You can also simply press the `C-x `' key and Emacs will jump to
     the first error. If you press that key again, it will move you to
     the second error, and so on.

     Some error messages might also include references to some files.
     These references are also clickable in the same way.

   * (Re)building the whole application This command is issued when you
     select the `build' command from the Ada menu.   It compiles  all
     obsolete units  of the  current application using  the `make_cmd'
     variable  of the  project file.  Compilation options  can be
     customized  with the  variable  `comp_opt' of  the project  file,
     binder  options with  `bind_opt' and  linker options with
     `link_opt'. The main unit  of the application may be specified
     with `main'.

     The compilation buffer is also active in the same way it was for
     the above command.

   * Running the application This command is  issued when you select
     the  `run' command from the Ada   menu.   It   executes  the
     current  application   in   an  emacs buffer. Arguments can be
     passed through before executing. The execution buffer allows for
     interactive input/output.

     This   command   is   not   yet   available   in   a
     cross-compilation toolchain. Emacs  would first need to  log on
     the  target before running the application. This will be
     implemented in a future release of Gnat.

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