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Info Node: (dired-x)Installation


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This manual describes the Dired features provided by the file
`dired-x.el'.  To take advantage of these features, you must load the
file and (optionally) set some variables.

In your `.emacs' file in your home directory, or in the system-wide
initialization file `default.el' in the `site-lisp' directory, put

     (add-hook 'dired-load-hook
               (lambda ()
                 (load "dired-x")
                 ;; Set dired-x global variables here.  For example:
                 ;; (setq dired-guess-shell-gnutar "gtar")
                 ;; (setq dired-x-hands-off-my-keys nil)
     (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
               (lambda ()
                 ;; Set dired-x buffer-local variables here.  For example:
                 ;; (setq dired-omit-files-p t)

This will load `dired-x.el' when Dired is first invoked (for example,
when you first type `C-x d').

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