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Info Node: (dired-x)Optional Installation Dired Jump

(dired-x)Optional Installation Dired Jump

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Optional Installation Dired Jump

   In order to have `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window' (Note:
Miscellaneous Commands) work _before_ `dired' and `dired-x' have been
properly loaded the user should set-up an autoload for these functions.
In your `.emacs' file put

     ;;; Autoload `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window'.
     ;;; We autoload from FILE dired.el.  This will then load dired-x.el
     ;;; and hence define `dired-jump' and `dired-jump-other-window'.
     (define-key global-map "\C-x\C-j" 'dired-jump)
     (define-key global-map "\C-x4\C-j" 'dired-jump-other-window)
     (autoload (quote dired-jump) "dired" "\
     Jump to Dired buffer corresponding to current buffer.
     If in a file, Dired the current directory and move to file's line.
     If in Dired already, pop up a level and goto old directory's line.
     In case the proper Dired file line cannot be found, refresh the Dired
     buffer and try again." t nil)
     (autoload (quote dired-jump-other-window) "dired" "\
     Like \\[dired-jump] (dired-jump) but in other window." t nil)

   Note that in recent releases of GNU Emacs 19 (i.e., 19.25 or later)
the file `../lisp/loaddefs.el' of the Emacs distribution already
contains the proper auto-loading for `dired-jump' so you need only put

     (define-key global-map "\C-x\C-j" 'dired-jump)

in your `.emacs' file in order to have `C-x C-j' work before `dired' is

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