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Info Node: (emacs)Creating Frames

(emacs)Creating Frames

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Creating Frames

   The prefix key `C-x 5' is analogous to `C-x 4', with parallel
subcommands.  The difference is that `C-x 5' commands create a new
frame rather than just a new window in the selected frame (Note: Pop Up
Window).  If an existing visible or iconified frame already displays
the requested material, these commands use the existing frame, after
raising or deiconifying as necessary.

   The various `C-x 5' commands differ in how they find or create the
buffer to select:

`C-x 5 2'
     Create a new frame (`make-frame-command').

`C-x 5 b BUFNAME <RET>'
     Select buffer BUFNAME in another frame.  This runs

`C-x 5 f FILENAME <RET>'
     Visit file FILENAME and select its buffer in another frame.  This
     runs `find-file-other-frame'.  Note: Visiting.

     Select a Dired buffer for directory DIRECTORY in another frame.
     This runs `dired-other-frame'.  Note: Dired.

`C-x 5 m'
     Start composing a mail message in another frame.  This runs
     `mail-other-frame'.  It is the other-frame variant of `C-x m'.
     Note: Sending Mail.

`C-x 5 .'
     Find a tag in the current tag table in another frame.  This runs
     `find-tag-other-frame', the multiple-frame variant of `M-.'.
     Note: Tags.

`C-x 5 r FILENAME <RET>'
     Visit file FILENAME read-only, and select its buffer in another
     frame.  This runs `find-file-read-only-other-frame'.  Note:

   You can control the appearance of new frames you create by setting
the frame parameters in `default-frame-alist'.  You can use the
variable `initial-frame-alist' to specify parameters that affect only
the initial frame.  Note: Initial Parameters,
 for more information.

   The easiest way to specify the principal font for all your Emacs
frames is with an X resource (Note: Font X), but you can also do it by
modifying `default-frame-alist' to specify the `font' parameter, as
shown here:

     (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "10x20"))

Here's a similar example for specifying a foreground color:

     (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(background-color . "blue"))

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