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Dired, the Directory Editor

   Dired makes an Emacs buffer containing a listing of a directory, and
optionally some of its subdirectories as well.  You can use the normal
Emacs commands to move around in this buffer, and special Dired commands
to operate on the files listed.

   The Dired buffer is "read-only," and inserting text in it is not
useful, so ordinary printing characters such as `d' and `x' are used
for special Dired commands.  Some Dired commands "mark" or "flag" the
"current file" (that is, the file on the current line); other commands
operate on the marked files or on the flagged files.

   The Dired-X package provides various extra features for Dired mode.
Note: Dired-X.

Dired Enter. How to invoke Dired.
Dired Navigation. Special motion commands in the Dired buffer.
Dired Deletion. Deleting files with Dired.
Flagging Many Files
Flagging files based on their names.
Dired Visiting. Other file operations through Dired.
Marks vs Flags
Flagging for deletion vs marking.
Operating on Files
How to copy, rename, print, compress, etc.
either one file or several files.
Shell Commands in Dired
Running a shell command on the marked files.
Transforming File Names
Using patterns to rename multiple files.
Comparison in Dired
Running `diff' by way of Dired.
Subdirectories in Dired
Adding subdirectories to the Dired buffer.
Subdirectory Motion
Moving across subdirectories, and up and down.
Hiding Subdirectories
Making subdirectories visible or invisible.
Dired Updating. Discarding lines for files of no interest.
Dired and Find. Using `find' to choose the files for Dired.

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