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Info Node: (emacs)GUD Customization

(emacs)GUD Customization

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GUD Customization

   On startup, GUD runs one of the following hooks: `gdb-mode-hook', if
you are using GDB; `dbx-mode-hook', if you are using DBX;
`sdb-mode-hook', if you are using SDB; `xdb-mode-hook', if you are
using XDB; `perldb-mode-hook', for Perl debugging mode;
`pdb-mode-hook', for PDB; `jdb-mode-hook', for JDB.  You can use these
hooks to define custom key bindings for the debugger interaction
buffer.  Note: Hooks.

   Here is a convenient way to define a command that sends a particular
command string to the debugger, and set up a key binding for it in the
debugger interaction buffer:


   This defines a command named FUNCTION which sends CMDSTRING to the
debugger process, and gives it the documentation string DOCSTRING.  You
can then use the command FUNCTION in any buffer.  If BINDING is
non-`nil', `gud-def' also binds the command to `C-c BINDING' in the GUD
buffer's mode and to `C-x C-a BINDING' generally.

   The command string CMDSTRING may contain certain `%'-sequences that
stand for data to be filled in at the time FUNCTION is called:

     The name of the current source file.  If the current buffer is the
     GUD buffer, then the "current source file" is the file that the
     program stopped in.

     The number of the current source line.  If the current buffer is
     the GUD buffer, then the "current source line" is the line that
     the program stopped in.

     The text of the C lvalue or function-call expression at or
     adjacent to point.

     The text of the hexadecimal address at or adjacent to point.

     The numeric argument of the called function, as a decimal number.
     If the command is used without a numeric argument, `%p' stands for
     the empty string.

     If you don't use `%p' in the command string, the command you define
     ignores any numeric argument.

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