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(emacs)Init Examples

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Init File Examples

   Here are some examples of doing certain commonly desired things with
Lisp expressions:

   * Make <TAB> in C mode just insert a tab if point is in the middle
     of a line.

          (setq c-tab-always-indent nil)

     Here we have a variable whose value is normally `t' for `true' and
     the alternative is `nil' for `false'.

   * Make searches case sensitive by default (in all buffers that do not
     override this).

          (setq-default case-fold-search nil)

     This sets the default value, which is effective in all buffers
     that do not have local values for the variable.  Setting
     `case-fold-search' with `setq' affects only the current buffer's
     local value, which is not what you probably want to do in an init

   * Specify your own email address, if Emacs can't figure it out

          (setq user-mail-address "")

     Various Emacs packages that need your own email address use the
     value of `user-mail-address'.

   * Make Text mode the default mode for new buffers.

          (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)

     Note that `text-mode' is used because it is the command for
     entering Text mode.  The single-quote before it makes the symbol a
     constant; otherwise, `text-mode' would be treated as a variable

   * Set up defaults for the Latin-1 character set which supports most
     of the languages of Western Europe.

          (set-language-environment "Latin-1")

   * Turn on Auto Fill mode automatically in Text mode and related

          (add-hook 'text-mode-hook
            '(lambda () (auto-fill-mode 1)))

     This shows how to add a hook function to a normal hook variable
     (Note: Hooks).  The function we supply is a list starting with
     `lambda', with a single-quote in front of it to make it a list
     constant rather than an expression.

     It's beyond the scope of this manual to explain Lisp functions,
     but for this example it is enough to know that the effect is to
     execute `(auto-fill-mode 1)' when Text mode is entered.  You can
     replace that with any other expression that you like, or with
     several expressions in a row.

     Emacs comes with a function named `turn-on-auto-fill' whose
     definition is `(lambda () (auto-fill-mode 1))'.  Thus, a simpler
     way to write the above example is as follows:

          (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

   * Load the installed Lisp library named `foo' (actually a file
     `foo.elc' or `foo.el' in a standard Emacs directory).

          (load "foo")

     When the argument to `load' is a relative file name, not starting
     with `/' or `~', `load' searches the directories in `load-path'
     (Note: Lisp Libraries).

   * Load the compiled Lisp file `foo.elc' from your home directory.

          (load "~/foo.elc")

     Here an absolute file name is used, so no searching is done.

   * Tell Emacs to find the definition for the function `myfunction' by
     loading a Lisp library named `mypackage' (i.e. a file
     `mypackage.elc' or `mypackage.el'):

          (autoload 'myfunction "mypackage" "Do what I say." t)

     Here the string `"Do what I say."' is the function's documentation
     string.  You specify it in the `autoload' definition so it will be
     available for help commands even when the package is not loaded.
     The last argument, `t', indicates that this function is
     interactive; that is, it can be invoked interactively by typing
     `M-x myfunction <RET>' or by binding it to a key.  If the function
     is not interactive, omit the `t' or use `nil'.

   * Rebind the key `C-x l' to run the function `make-symbolic-link'.

          (global-set-key "\C-xl" 'make-symbolic-link)


          (define-key global-map "\C-xl" 'make-symbolic-link)

     Note once again the single-quote used to refer to the symbol
     `make-symbolic-link' instead of its value as a variable.

   * Do the same thing for Lisp mode only.

          (define-key lisp-mode-map "\C-xl" 'make-symbolic-link)

   * Redefine all keys which now run `next-line' in Fundamental mode so
     that they run `forward-line' instead.

          (substitute-key-definition 'next-line 'forward-line

   * Make `C-x C-v' undefined.

          (global-unset-key "\C-x\C-v")

     One reason to undefine a key is so that you can make it a prefix.
     Simply defining `C-x C-v ANYTHING' will make `C-x C-v' a prefix,
     but `C-x C-v' must first be freed of its usual non-prefix

   * Make `$' have the syntax of punctuation in Text mode.  Note the
     use of a character constant for `$'.

          (modify-syntax-entry ?\$ "." text-mode-syntax-table)

   * Enable the use of the command `narrow-to-region' without

          (put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)

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