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Dealing with Emacs Trouble

   This section describes various conditions in which Emacs fails to
work normally, and how to recognize them and correct them.  For a list
of additional problems you might encounter, see Note: Bugs and
problems, and the file `etc/PROBLEMS' in the
Emacs distribution.  Type `C-h F' to read the FAQ; type `C-h P' to read
the `PROBLEMS' file.

DEL Does Not Delete
What to do if <DEL> doesn't delete.
Stuck Recursive
`[...]' in mode line around the parentheses.
Screen Garbled
Garbage on the screen.
Text Garbled
Garbage in the text.
Unasked-for Search
Spontaneous entry to incremental search.
Memory Full
How to cope when you run out of memory.
After a Crash
Recovering editing in an Emacs session that crashed.
Emergency Escape
Emergency escape---
What to do if Emacs stops responding.
Total Frustration
When you are at your wits' end.

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