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(emacs)Lucid Resources

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Lucid Menu X Resources

   If the Emacs installed at your site was built to use the X toolkit
with the Lucid menu widgets, then the menu bar is a separate widget and
has its own resources.  The resource names contain `pane.menubar'
(following, as always, the name of the Emacs invocation, or `Emacs',
which stands for all Emacs invocations).  Specify them like this:

     Emacs.pane.menubar.RESOURCE:  VALUE

For example, to specify the font `8x16' for the menu-bar items, write

     Emacs.pane.menubar.font:  8x16

Resources for _non-menubar_ toolkit pop-up menus have `menu*', in like
fashion.  For example, to specify the font `8x16' for the pop-up menu
items, write this:*.font:	8x16

For dialog boxes, use `dialog' instead of `menu':

     Emacs.dialog*.font:	8x16

Experience shows that on some systems you may need to add `shell.'
before the `pane.menubar' or `menu*'.  On some other systems, you must
not add `shell.'.

   Here is a list of the specific resources for menu bars and pop-up

     Font for menu item text.

     Color of the foreground.

     Color of the background.

     In the menu bar, the color of the foreground for a selected item.

     Horizontal spacing in pixels between items.  Default is 3.

     Vertical spacing in pixels between items.  Default is 1.

     Horizontal spacing between the arrow (which indicates a submenu)
     and the associated text.  Default is 10.

     Thickness of shadow line around the widget.

     The margin of the menu bar, in characters.  The default of 4 makes
     the menu bar appear like the LessTif/Motif one.

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