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Info Node: (gnus)Red Gnus

(gnus)Red Gnus

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Red Gnus

   New features in Gnus 5.4/5.5:

   * `nntp.el' has been totally rewritten in an asynchronous fashion.

   * Article prefetching functionality has been moved up into Gnus
     (Note: Asynchronous Fetching).

   * Scoring can now be performed with logical operators like `and',
     `or', `not', and parent redirection (Note: Advanced Scoring).

   * Article washing status can be displayed in the article mode line
     (Note: Misc Article).

   * `gnus.el' has been split into many smaller files.

   * Suppression of duplicate articles based on Message-ID can be done
     (Note: Duplicate Suppression).

          (setq gnus-suppress-duplicates t)

   * New variables for specifying what score and adapt files are to be
     considered home score and adapt files (Note: Home Score File)
     have been added.

   * `nndoc' was rewritten to be easily extendable (Note: Document
     Server Internals).

   * Groups can inherit group parameters from parent topics (Note:
     Topic Parameters).

   * Article editing has been revamped and is now actually usable.

   * Signatures can be recognized in more intelligent fashions (Note:
     Article Signature).

   * Summary pick mode has been made to look more `nn'-like.  Line
     numbers are displayed and the `.' command can be used to pick
     articles (`Pick and Read').

   * Commands for moving the `.newsrc.eld' from one server to another
     have been added (Note: Changing Servers).

   * There's a way now to specify that "uninteresting" fields be
     suppressed when generating lines in buffers (Note: Advanced

   * Several commands in the group buffer can be undone with `M-C-_'
     (Note: Undo).

   * Scoring can be done on words using the new score type `w' (Note:
     Score File Format).

   * Adaptive scoring can be done on a Subject word-by-word basis
     (Note: Adaptive Scoring).

          (setq gnus-use-adaptive-scoring '(word))

   * Scores can be decayed (Note: Score Decays).

          (setq gnus-decay-scores t)

   * Scoring can be performed using a regexp on the Date header.  The
     Date is normalized to compact ISO 8601 format first (Note: Score
     File Format).

   * A new command has been added to remove all data on articles from
     the native server (Note: Changing Servers).

   * A new command for reading collections of documents (`nndoc' with
     `nnvirtual' on top) has been added--`M-C-d' (Note: Really Various
     Summary Commands).

   * Process mark sets can be pushed and popped (Note: Setting Process

   * A new mail-to-news back end makes it possible to post even when
     the NNTP server doesn't allow posting (Note: Mail-To-News

   * A new back end for reading searches from Web search engines
     ("DejaNews", "Alta Vista", "InReference") has been added (Note:
     Web Searches).

   * Groups inside topics can now be sorted using the standard sorting
     functions, and each topic can be sorted independently (Note: Topic

   * Subsets of the groups can be sorted independently (`Sorting

   * Cached articles can be pulled into the groups (Note: Summary
     Generation Commands).

   * Score files are now applied in a more reliable order (Note: Score

   * Reports on where mail messages end up can be generated (Note:
     Splitting Mail).

   * More hooks and functions have been added to remove junk from
     incoming mail before saving the mail (Note: Washing Mail).

   * Emphasized text can be properly fontisized:

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