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Info Node: (idlwave)Doc Header

(idlwave)Doc Header

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Documentation Header

   The command `C-c C-h' inserts a standard routine header into the
buffer, with the usual fields for documentation.  One of the keywords is
`MODIFICATION HISTORY' under which the changes to a routine can be
recorded.  The command `C-c C-m' jumps to the `MODIFICATION HISTORY' of
the current routine or file and inserts the user name with a timestamp.

 - User Option: idlwave-file-header
     The doc-header template or a path to a file containing it.

 - User Option: idlwave-timestamp-hook
     The hook function used to update the timestamp of a function.

 - User Option: idlwave-doc-modifications-keyword
     The modifications keyword to use with the log documentation

 - User Option: idlwave-doclib-start
     Regexp matching the start of a document library header.

 - User Option: idlwave-doclib-end
     Regexp matching the start of a document library header.

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