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Info Node: (idlwave)Motion Commands

(idlwave)Motion Commands

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Motion Commands

   IDLWAVE supports both `Imenu' and `Func-menu', two packages which
make it easy to jump to the definitions of functions and procedures in
the current file.

   Several commands allow to move quickly through the structure of an
IDL program.  These are

`C-M-a'     Beginning of subprogram
`C-M-e'     End of subprogram
`C-c {'     Beginning of block (stay inside the block)
`C-c }'     End of block (stay inside the block)
`M-C-n'     Forward block (on same level)
`M-C-p'     Backward block (on same level)
`M-C-d'     Down block (enters a block)
`M-C-u'     Backward up block (leaves a block)
`C-c C-n'   Next Statement

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