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Info Node: (pcl-cvs)Buffer contents

(pcl-cvs)Buffer contents

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Buffer contents

   The display contains several columns, some of which are optional.
These columns are, from left to right:

   * Optionally, the head revision of the file.  This is the latest
     version found in the repository.  It might also contain (instead
     of the head revision) a sub status which typically gives further
     information about how we got to the current state, for example
     `patched', `merged', ...

   * An asterisk when the file is "marked" (Note: Selected files).

   * The actual status of the file wrt the repository.  See below.

   * Optionally, the base revision of the file.  This is the version
     which the copy in your working directory is based upon.

   * The file name.

   The `file status' field can have the following values:

     The file is modified in your working directory, and there was no
     modification to the same file in the repository.  This status can
     have the following substatus:

          The file was modified in your working directory, and there
          were modifications in the repository as well, but they were
          merged successfully, without conflict, in your working

     A conflict was detected while trying to merge your changes to FILE
     with changes from the repository.  FILE (the copy in your working
     directory) is now the output of the `rcsmerge' command on the two
     versions; an unmodified copy of your file is also in your working
     directory, with the name `.#FILE.VERSION', where VERSION is the
     RCS revision that your modified file started from.  Note: Viewing
     differences, for more details.

     A conflict can also come from a disagreement on the existence of
     the file rather than on its content.  This case is indicated by
     the following possible substatus:

          The file is locally removed but a new revision has been
          committed to the repository by someone else.

          The file is locally added and has also been added to the
          repository by someone else.

          The file is locally modified but someone else has removed it
          from the repository.

     The file has been added by you, but it still needs to be checked
     in to the repository.

     The file has been removed by you, but it still needs to be checked
     in to the repository.  You can resurrect it by typing `a' (Note:
     Adding and removing files).

     A file that was detected in your directory, but that neither
     appears in the repository, nor is present on the list of files
     that CVS should ignore.

     The file is up to date with respect to the version in the
     repository.  This status can have a substatus of:

          You have just added the file to the repository.

          The file was brought up to date with respect to the
          repository.  This is done for any file that exists in the
          repository but not in your source, and for files that you
          haven't changed but are not the most recent versions
          available in the repository.

          The file was brought up to date with respect to the remote
          repository by way of fetching and applying a patch to the
          file in your source.  This is equivalent to `updated' except
          that CVS decided to use a hopefully more efficient method.

          You just committed the file.

     Either a newer version than the one in your source is available in
     the repository and you have not modified your checked out version,
     or the file exists in the repository but not in your source.  Use
     `cvs-mode-update' bound to `O' to update the file.

     You have modified the checked out version of the file, and a newer
     version is available in the repository.  A merge will take place
     when you run a `cvs-update'.

     The file has been unexpectedly removed from your working directory
     although it has not been `cvs remove'd.

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