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Info Node: (pcl-cvs)Viewing differences

(pcl-cvs)Viewing differences

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Viewing differences

`d ='
     Display a `cvs diff' between the selected files and the version
     that they are based on. (`cvs-mode-diff').

`d b'
     If CVS finds a conflict while merging two versions of a file
     (during a `cvs update', Note: Updating the buffer) it will save
     the original file in a file called `.#FILE.VERSION' where FILE is
     the name of the file, and VERSION is the revision number that FILE
     was based on.

     With the `d b' command you can run a `diff' on the files
     `.#FILE.VERSION' and `FILE'.

`d h'
     Display a `cvs diff' between the selected files and the head
     revision in the repository (the most recent version on the current
     branch) (`cvs-mode-diff-head').

`d v'
     Display a `cvs diff' between the selected files and the head
     revision of the vendor branch in the repository.

   By default, `diff' commands ignore the marks.  This can be changed
with `cvs-invert-ignore-marks'.

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