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Info Node: (pcl-cvs)Miscellaneous commands

(pcl-cvs)Miscellaneous commands

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Miscellaneous commands

`M-x cvs-mode-byte-compile-files'
     Byte compile all selected files that end in `.el'.

`M-x cvs-mode-delete-lock'
     This command deletes the lock files that the `*cvs*' buffer
     informs you about.  You should normally never have to use this
     command, since CVS tries very carefully to always remove the lock
     files itself.

     You can only use this command when a message in the `*cvs*' buffer
     tells you so.  You should wait a while before using this command
     in case someone else is running a `cvs' command.

     Also note that this only works if the repository is local.

     Show a summary of common command key bindings in the echo area

     Quit PCL-CVS, killing the `*cvs*' buffer (`cvs-mode-quit').

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