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Info Node: (pcl-cvs)Commands


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   The nodes in this menu contains explanations about all the commands
that you can use in PCL-CVS.  They are grouped together by type.

Entering PCL-CVS
Commands to invoke PCL-CVS
Setting flags
Setting flags for CVS commands
Updating the buffer
Movement commands
How to move up and down in the buffer
Marking files
How to mark files that other commands
will later operate on.
Committing changes
Checking in your modifications to the
CVS repository.
Editing files
Loading files into Emacs.
Getting info about files
Display the log and status of files.
Adding and removing files
Adding and removing files
Undoing changes
Undoing changes
Removing handled entries
Uninteresting lines can easily be removed.
Ignoring files
Telling CVS to ignore generated files.
Viewing differences
Commands to `diff' different versions.
Invoking Ediff
Running `ediff' from `*cvs*' buffer.
Updating files
Updating files that Need-update.
Tagging files
Tagging files.
Miscellaneous commands
Miscellaneous commands.

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