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(reftex)Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

   Pressing the keys `C-c =' pops up a buffer showing the table of
contents of the document.  By default, this `*toc*' buffer shows only
the sections of a document.  Using the `l' and `i' keys you can display
all labels and index entries defined in the document as well.

   With the cursor in any of the lines denoting a location in the
document, simple key strokes will display the corresponding part in
another window, jump to that location, or perform other actions.

   Here is a list of special commands in the `*toc*' buffer.  A summary
of this information is always available by pressing `?'.


     Display a summary of commands.

`0-9, -'
     Prefix argument.

Moving around

     Goto next entry in the table of context.

     Goto previous entry in the table of context.

`C-c C-n'
     Goto next section heading.  Useful when many labels and index
     entries separate section headings.

`C-c C-p'
     Goto previous section heading.

`N z'
     Jump to section N, using the prefix arg.  For example, `3 z' jumps
     to section 3.

Access to document locations

     Show the corresponding location in another window.  This command
     does _not_ select that other window.

     Goto the location in another window.

     Go to the location and hide the `*toc*' buffer.  This will restore
     the window configuration before `reftex-toc' (`C-c =') was called.

     Clicking with mouse button 2 on a line has the same effect as
     <RET>.  See also variable `reftex-highlight-selection', Note:
     Options (Fontification).

     Toggle follow mode.  When follow mode is active, the other window
     will always show the location corresponding to the line at point
     in the `*toc*' buffer.  This is similar to pressing <SPC> after
     each cursor motion.  The default for this flag can be set with the
     variable `reftex-toc-follow-mode'.  Note that only context in
     files already visited is shown.  RefTeX will not visit a file just
     for follow mode.  See, however, the variable

     Show calling point in another window.  This is the point from where
     `reftex-toc' was last called.


     Hide the `*toc*' buffer, return to the position where `reftex-toc'
     was last called.

     Kill the `*toc*' buffer, return to the position where `reftex-toc'
     was last called.

`C-c >'
     Switch to the `*Index*' buffer of this document.  With prefix `2',
     restrict the index to the section at point in the `*toc*' buffer.

Controlling what gets displayed

     Change the maximum level of toc entries displayed in the `*toc*'
     buffer.  Without prefix arg, all levels will be included.  With
     prefix arg (e.g `3 t'), ignore all toc entries with level greater
     than ARG (3 in this case).  Chapters are level 1, sections are
     level 2.  The mode line `T<>' indicator shows the current value.
     The default depth can be configured with the variable

     Toggle the display of the file borders of a multifile document in
     the `*toc*' buffer.  The default for this flag can be set with the
     variable `reftex-toc-include-file-boundaries'.

     Toggle the display of labels in the `*toc*' buffer.  The default
     for this flag can be set with the variable
     `reftex-toc-include-labels'.  When called with a prefix argument,
     RefTeX will prompt for a label type and include only labels of the
     selected type in the `*toc*' buffer.  The mode line `L<>'
     indicator shows which labels are included.

     Toggle the display of index entries in the `*toc*' buffer.  The
     default for this flag can be set with the variable
     `reftex-toc-include-index-entries'.  When called with a prefix
     argument, RefTeX will prompt for a specific index and include only
     entries in the selected index in the `*toc*' buffer.  The mode
     line `I<>' indicator shows which index is used.

     Toggle the display of label and index context in the `*toc*'
     buffer.  The default for this flag can be set with the variable

Updating the buffer

     Rebuild the `*toc*' buffer.  This does _not_ rescan the document.

     Reparse the LaTeX document and rebuild the `*toc*' buffer.  When
     `reftex-enable-partial-scans' is non-nil, rescan only the file this
     location is defined in, not the entire document.

`C-u r'
     Reparse the _entire_ LaTeX document and rebuild the `*toc*' buffer.

     Switch to the `*toc*' buffer of an external document.  When the
     current document is using the `xr' package (Note: xr (LaTeX
     package)), RefTeX will switch to one of the external documents.

   In order to define additional commands for the `*toc*' buffer, the
keymap `reftex-toc-map' may be used.

   The section macros recognized by RefTeX are all LaTeX section macros
(from `\part' to `\subsubparagraph') and the commands `\addchap' and
`\addsec' from the KOMA-Script classes.  Additional macros can be
configured with the variable `reftex-section-levels'.  It is also
possible to add certain LaTeX environments to the table of contents.
This is probably only useful for theorem-like environments. Note:
Defining Label Environments, for an example.

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