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Info Node: (woman)Auto Bindings

(woman)Auto Bindings

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Preloading Menu and Key Bindings

Once WoMan is loaded it adds an item to the `Help' menu and defines one
or more keys in dired mode to run WoMan on the current file.  If you
would like these facilities always to be available, even before WoMan is
loaded, then add the following to your `.emacs' file:

     (define-key-after menu-bar-manuals-menu [woman]
       '(menu-item "Read Man Page (WoMan)..." woman
                   :help "Man-page documentation Without Man") t)
     (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
               (lambda ()
                 (define-key dired-mode-map "W" 'woman-dired-find-file)))

(By default, WoMan will automatically define the dired keys `W' and `w'
when it loads, but only if they are not already defined.  This
behaviour is controlled by the user option `woman-dired-keys'.  Note
that the `dired-x' (dired extra) package binds
`dired-copy-filename-as-kill' to the key `w', although `W' appears to
be unused.  The `dired-x' package will over-write the WoMan binding for
`w', whereas (by default) WoMan will not overwrite the `dired-x'

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