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Info Node: (woman)Search Path

(woman)Search Path

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Search Path

The next step is necessary if you want to use the friendliest WoMan
interface, which is recommended in general.  If the `MANPATH'
environment variable is set then WoMan will use it; alternatively (or
additionally), if your platform uses a man configuration file (as do
many versions of Linux) then WoMan will use it, provided it can find it.
(This may need configuration.  Note: Interface Options.
)  If these mechanisms correctly define the search path for man
pages then no further action is required.

Otherwise you may need to customize the user option `woman-manpath',
and you may also want to customize the user option `woman-path'.  Note:
Customization.  Now you can execute the extended command
`woman' and enter or select a manual topic using completion, and if
necessary select a filename, again using completion.  By default, WoMan
suggests the word nearest to point in the current buffer as the topic.

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