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Table of Intrinsic Functions

   (Corresponds to Section 15.10 of ANSI X3.9-1978 FORTRAN 77.)

   The GNU Fortran language adds various functions, subroutines, types,
and arguments to the set of intrinsic functions in ANSI FORTRAN 77.
The complete set of intrinsics supported by the GNU Fortran language is
described below.

   Note that a name is not treated as that of an intrinsic if it is
specified in an `EXTERNAL' statement in the same program unit; if a
command-line option is used to disable the groups to which the
intrinsic belongs; or if the intrinsic is not named in an `INTRINSIC'
statement and a command-line option is used to hide the groups to which
the intrinsic belongs.

   So, it is recommended that any reference in a program unit to an
intrinsic procedure that is not a standard FORTRAN 77 intrinsic be
accompanied by an appropriate `INTRINSIC' statement in that program
unit.  This sort of defensive programming makes it more likely that an
implementation will issue a diagnostic rather than generate incorrect
code for such a reference.

   The terminology used below is based on that of the Fortran 90
standard, so that the text may be more concise and accurate:

   * `OPTIONAL' means the argument may be omitted.

   * `A-1, A-2, ..., A-n' means more than one argument (generally named
     `A') may be specified.

   * `scalar' means the argument must not be an array (must be a
     variable or array element, or perhaps a constant if expressions
     are permitted).

   * `DIMENSION(4)' means the argument must be an array having 4

   * `INTENT(IN)' means the argument must be an expression (such as a
     constant or a variable that is defined upon invocation of the

   * `INTENT(OUT)' means the argument must be definable by the
     invocation of the intrinsic (that is, must not be a constant nor
     an expression involving operators other than array reference and
     substring reference).

   * `INTENT(INOUT)' means the argument must be defined prior to, and
     definable by, invocation of the intrinsic (a combination of the
     requirements of `INTENT(IN)' and `INTENT(OUT)'.

   * Note: Kind Notation, for an explanation of `KIND'.

   (Note that the empty lines appearing in the menu below are not
intentional--they result from a bug in the GNU `makeinfo' program...a
program that, if it did not exist, would leave this document in far
worse shape!)

Abort Intrinsic
Abort the program.
Abs Intrinsic
Absolute value.
Access Intrinsic
Check file accessibility.
AChar Intrinsic
ASCII character from code.
ACos Intrinsic
Arc cosine.
AdjustL Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
AdjustR Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
AImag Intrinsic
Convert/extract imaginary part of complex.
AInt Intrinsic
Truncate to whole number.
Alarm Intrinsic
Execute a routine after a given delay.
All Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Allocated Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
ALog Intrinsic
Natural logarithm (archaic).
ALog10 Intrinsic
Common logarithm (archaic).
AMax0 Intrinsic
Maximum value (archaic).
AMax1 Intrinsic
Maximum value (archaic).
AMin0 Intrinsic
Minimum value (archaic).
AMin1 Intrinsic
Minimum value (archaic).
AMod Intrinsic
Remainder (archaic).
And Intrinsic
Boolean AND.
ANInt Intrinsic
Round to nearest whole number.
Any Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
ASin Intrinsic
Arc sine.
Associated Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
ATan Intrinsic
Arc tangent.
ATan2 Intrinsic
Arc tangent.
BesJ0 Intrinsic
Bessel function.
BesJ1 Intrinsic
Bessel function.
BesJN Intrinsic
Bessel function.
BesY0 Intrinsic
Bessel function.
BesY1 Intrinsic
Bessel function.
BesYN Intrinsic
Bessel function.
Bit_Size Intrinsic
Number of bits in argument's type.
BTest Intrinsic
Test bit.
CAbs Intrinsic
Absolute value (archaic).
CCos Intrinsic
Cosine (archaic).
Ceiling Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
CExp Intrinsic
Exponential (archaic).
Char Intrinsic
Character from code.
ChDir Intrinsic (subroutine)
Change directory.
ChMod Intrinsic (subroutine)
Change file modes.
CLog Intrinsic
Natural logarithm (archaic).
Cmplx Intrinsic
Construct `COMPLEX(KIND=1)' value.
Complex Intrinsic
Build complex value from real and
imaginary parts.
Conjg Intrinsic
Complex conjugate.
Cos Intrinsic
CosH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic cosine.
Count Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
CPU_Time Intrinsic
Get current CPU time.
CShift Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
CSin Intrinsic
Sine (archaic).
CSqRt Intrinsic
Square root (archaic).
CTime Intrinsic (subroutine)
Convert time to Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.
CTime Intrinsic (function)
Convert time to Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.
DAbs Intrinsic
Absolute value (archaic).
DACos Intrinsic
Arc cosine (archaic).
DASin Intrinsic
Arc sine (archaic).
DATan Intrinsic
Arc tangent (archaic).
DATan2 Intrinsic
Arc tangent (archaic).
Date_and_Time Intrinsic
Get the current date and time.
DbesJ0 Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
DbesJ1 Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
DbesJN Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
DbesY0 Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
DbesY1 Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
DbesYN Intrinsic
Bessel function (archaic).
Dble Intrinsic
Convert to double precision.
DCos Intrinsic
Cosine (archaic).
DCosH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic cosine (archaic).
DDiM Intrinsic
Difference magnitude (archaic).
DErF Intrinsic
Error function (archaic).
DErFC Intrinsic
Complementary error function (archaic).
DExp Intrinsic
Exponential (archaic).
Digits Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
DiM Intrinsic
Difference magnitude (non-negative subtract).
DInt Intrinsic
Truncate to whole number (archaic).
DLog Intrinsic
Natural logarithm (archaic).
DLog10 Intrinsic
Common logarithm (archaic).
DMax1 Intrinsic
Maximum value (archaic).
DMin1 Intrinsic
Minimum value (archaic).
DMod Intrinsic
Remainder (archaic).
DNInt Intrinsic
Round to nearest whole number (archaic).
Dot_Product Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
DProd Intrinsic
Double-precision product.
DSign Intrinsic
Apply sign to magnitude (archaic).
DSin Intrinsic
Sine (archaic).
DSinH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic sine (archaic).
DSqRt Intrinsic
Square root (archaic).
DTan Intrinsic
Tangent (archaic).
DTanH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic tangent (archaic).
DTime Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get elapsed time since last time.
EOShift Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Epsilon Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
ErF Intrinsic
Error function.
ErFC Intrinsic
Complementary error function.
ETime Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get elapsed time for process.
ETime Intrinsic (function)
Get elapsed time for process.
Exit Intrinsic
Terminate the program.
Exp Intrinsic
Exponent Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
FDate Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get current time as Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.
FDate Intrinsic (function)
Get current time as Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.
FGet Intrinsic (subroutine)
Read a character from unit 5 stream-wise.
FGetC Intrinsic (subroutine)
Read a character stream-wise.
Float Intrinsic
Conversion (archaic).
Floor Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Flush Intrinsic
Flush buffered output.
FNum Intrinsic
Get file descriptor from Fortran unit number.
FPut Intrinsic (subroutine)
Write a character to unit 6 stream-wise.
FPutC Intrinsic (subroutine)
Write a character stream-wise.
Fraction Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
FSeek Intrinsic
Position file (low-level).
FStat Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get file information.
FStat Intrinsic (function)
Get file information.
FTell Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get file position (low-level).
FTell Intrinsic (function)
Get file position (low-level).
GError Intrinsic
Get error message for last error.
GetArg Intrinsic
Obtain command-line argument.
GetCWD Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get current working directory.
GetCWD Intrinsic (function)
Get current working directory.
GetEnv Intrinsic
Get environment variable.
GetGId Intrinsic
Get process group id.
GetLog Intrinsic
Get login name.
GetPId Intrinsic
Get process id.
GetUId Intrinsic
Get process user id.
GMTime Intrinsic
Convert time to GMT time info.
HostNm Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get host name.
HostNm Intrinsic (function)
Get host name.
Huge Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
IAbs Intrinsic
Absolute value (archaic).
IAChar Intrinsic
ASCII code for character.
IAnd Intrinsic
Boolean AND.
IArgC Intrinsic
Obtain count of command-line arguments.
IBClr Intrinsic
Clear a bit.
IBits Intrinsic
Extract a bit subfield of a variable.
IBSet Intrinsic
Set a bit.
IChar Intrinsic
Code for character.
IDate Intrinsic (UNIX)
Get local time info.
IDiM Intrinsic
Difference magnitude (archaic).
IDInt Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER' value truncated
to whole number (archaic).
IDNInt Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER' value rounded
to nearest whole number (archaic).
IEOr Intrinsic
Boolean XOR.
IErrNo Intrinsic
Get error number for last error.
IFix Intrinsic
Conversion (archaic).
Imag Intrinsic
Extract imaginary part of complex.
ImagPart Intrinsic
Extract imaginary part of complex.
Index Intrinsic
Locate a CHARACTER substring.
Int Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER' value truncated
to whole number.
Int2 Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=6)' value
truncated to whole number.
Int8 Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=2)' value
truncated to whole number.
IOr Intrinsic
Boolean OR.
IRand Intrinsic
Random number.
IsaTty Intrinsic
Is unit connected to a terminal?
IShft Intrinsic
Logical bit shift.
IShftC Intrinsic
Circular bit shift.
ISign Intrinsic
Apply sign to magnitude (archaic).
ITime Intrinsic
Get local time of day.
Kill Intrinsic (subroutine)
Signal a process.
Kind Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
LBound Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Len Intrinsic
Length of character entity.
Len_Trim Intrinsic
Get last non-blank character in string.
LGe Intrinsic
Lexically greater than or equal.
LGt Intrinsic
Lexically greater than.
Link Intrinsic (subroutine)
Make hard link in file system.
LLe Intrinsic
Lexically less than or equal.
LLt Intrinsic
Lexically less than.
LnBlnk Intrinsic
Get last non-blank character in string.
Loc Intrinsic
Address of entity in core.
Log Intrinsic
Natural logarithm.
Log10 Intrinsic
Common logarithm.
Logical Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Long Intrinsic
Conversion to `INTEGER(KIND=1)' (archaic).
LShift Intrinsic
Left-shift bits.
LStat Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get file information.
LStat Intrinsic (function)
Get file information.
LTime Intrinsic
Convert time to local time info.
MatMul Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Max Intrinsic
Maximum value.
Max0 Intrinsic
Maximum value (archaic).
Max1 Intrinsic
Maximum value (archaic).
MaxExponent Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MaxLoc Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MaxVal Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MClock Intrinsic
Get number of clock ticks for process.
MClock8 Intrinsic
Get number of clock ticks for process.
Merge Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Min Intrinsic
Minimum value.
Min0 Intrinsic
Minimum value (archaic).
Min1 Intrinsic
Minimum value (archaic).
MinExponent Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MinLoc Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MinVal Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Mod Intrinsic
Modulo Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
MvBits Intrinsic
Moving a bit field.
Nearest Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
NInt Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER' value rounded
to nearest whole number.
Not Intrinsic
Boolean NOT.
Or Intrinsic
Boolean OR.
Pack Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
PError Intrinsic
Print error message for last error.
Precision Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Present Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Product Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Radix Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Rand Intrinsic
Random number.
Random_Number Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Random_Seed Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Range Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Real Intrinsic
Convert value to type `REAL(KIND=1)'.
RealPart Intrinsic
Extract real part of complex.
Rename Intrinsic (subroutine)
Rename file.
Repeat Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Reshape Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
RRSpacing Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
RShift Intrinsic
Right-shift bits.
Scale Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Scan Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Second Intrinsic (function)
Get CPU time for process in seconds.
Second Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get CPU time for process
in seconds.
Selected_Int_Kind Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Selected_Real_Kind Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Set_Exponent Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Shape Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Short Intrinsic
Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=6)' value
truncated to whole number.
Sign Intrinsic
Apply sign to magnitude.
Signal Intrinsic (subroutine)
Muck with signal handling.
Sin Intrinsic
SinH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic sine.
Sleep Intrinsic
Sleep for a specified time.
Sngl Intrinsic
Convert (archaic).
Spacing Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Spread Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
SqRt Intrinsic
Square root.
SRand Intrinsic
Random seed.
Stat Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get file information.
Stat Intrinsic (function)
Get file information.
Sum Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
SymLnk Intrinsic (subroutine)
Make symbolic link in file system.
System Intrinsic (subroutine)
Invoke shell (system) command.
System_Clock Intrinsic
Get current system clock value.
Tan Intrinsic
TanH Intrinsic
Hyperbolic tangent.
Time Intrinsic (UNIX)
Get current time as time value.
Time8 Intrinsic
Get current time as time value.
Tiny Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Transfer Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Transpose Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Trim Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
TtyNam Intrinsic (subroutine)
Get name of terminal device for unit.
TtyNam Intrinsic (function)
Get name of terminal device for unit.
UBound Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
UMask Intrinsic (subroutine)
Set file creation permissions mask.
Unlink Intrinsic (subroutine)
Unlink file.
Unpack Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
Verify Intrinsic
(Reserved for future use.)
XOr Intrinsic
Boolean XOR.
ZAbs Intrinsic
Absolute value (archaic).
ZCos Intrinsic
Cosine (archaic).
ZExp Intrinsic
Exponential (archaic).
ZLog Intrinsic
Natural logarithm (archaic).
ZSin Intrinsic
Sine (archaic).
ZSqRt Intrinsic
Square root (archaic).

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