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Info Node: ( For Completion

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Waiting For Completion

 - Function: GpgmeCtx gpgme_wait (GpgmeCtx CTX, GpgmeError *STATUS,
          int HANG)
     The function `gpgme_wait' does continue the pending operation
     within the context CTX.  In particular, it ensures the data
     exchange between GPGME and the crypto backend and watches over the
     run time status of the backend process.

     If HANG is true, the function does not return until the operation
     is completed or cancelled.  Otherwise the function will not block
     for a long time.

     The error status of the finished operation is returned in STATUS.

     The CTX argument can be `NULL'.  In that case, `gpgme_wait' waits
     for any context to complete its operation.

     The function returns the CTX of the context which has finished the

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