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Featurewise Comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL

On the crash-me ( page
you can find a list of those database constructs and limits that one
can detect automatically with a program.  Note however that a lot of
the numerical limits may be changed with startup options for respective
database.  The above web page is however extremely useful when you want
to ensure that your applications works with many different databases or
when you want to convert your application from one datbase to another.

MySQL offers the following advantages over PostgreSQL:

   * `MySQL' is generally much faster than PostgreSQL.  Note:
     MySQL-PostgreSQL benchmarks.

   * MySQL has a much larger user base than PostgreSQL, therefor the
     code is more tested and has historically been more stable than
     PostgreSQL.  MySQL is the much more used in production
     environments than PostgreSQL, mostly thanks to that MySQL AB,
     formerly TCX DataKonsult AB, has provided top quality commercial
     support for MySQL from the day it was released, whereas until
     recently PostgreSQL was unsupported.

   * MySQL works better on Windows than PostgreSQL does.  MySQL runs as
     a native Windows application (a service on NT/Win2000/WinXP), while
     PostgreSQL is run under the cygwin emulation.  We have heard that
     PostgreSQL is not yet that stable on Windows but we haven't been
     able to verify this ourselves.

   * MySQL has more APIs to other languages and is supported by more
     existing programs than PostgreSQL.  Note: Contrib.

   * MySQL works on 24/7 heavy duty systems.  In most circumstances you
     never have to run any cleanups on MySQL.  PostgreSQL doesn't yet
     support 24/7 systems because you have to run `VACUUM()' once in a
     while to reclaim space from `UPDATE' and `DELETE' commands and to
     perform statistics analyzes that are critical to get good
     performance with PostgreSQL.  `VACUUM()' is also needed after
     adding a lot of new rows to a table.  On a busy system with lots
     of changes, `VACUUM()' must be run very frequently, in the worst
     cases even many times a day.  During the `VACUUM()' run, which may
     take hours if the database is big, the database is from a
     production standpoint, practically dead.  The PostgreSQL team has
     fixing this on their TODO, but we assume that this is not an easy
     thing to fix permanently.

   * A working, tested replication feature used by sites like:
        - Yahoo Finance (`')

        - (`')

        - Slashdot (`')

   * Included in the MySQL distribution are two different testing
     suites, `mysql-test-run' and crash-me
     (, as well as a
     benchmark suite.  The test system is actively updated with code to
     test each new feature and almost all repeatable bugs that have
     come to our attention.  We test MySQL with these on a lot of
     platforms before every release.  These tests are more
     sophisticated than anything we have seen from PostgreSQL, and they
     ensures that the MySQL is kept to a high standard.

   * There are far more books in print about MySQL than about
     PostgreSQL.  O'Reilly, Sams, Que, and New Riders are all major
     publishers with books about MySQL.  All MySQL features are also
     documented in the MySQL on-line manual, because when a new feature
     is implemented, the MySQL developers are required to document it
     before it's included in the source.

   * MySQL supports more of the standard ODBC functions than

   * MySQL has a much more sophisticated `ALTER TABLE'.

   * MySQL has support for tables without transactions for applications
     that need all speed they can get. The tables may be memory based,
     `HEAP' tables or disk based `MyISAM'.  Note: Table types.

   * MySQL has support for two different table handlers that support
     transactions, `BerkeleyDB' and `InnoDB'.  Because every
     transaction engine performs differently under different
     conditions, this gives the application writer more options to find
     an optimal solution for his or her setup.  Note: Table types.

   * `MERGE' tables gives you a unique way to instantly make a view over
     a set of identical tables and use these as one.  This is perfect
     for systems where you have log files that you order for example by
     month.  Note: MERGE.

   * The option to compress read-only tables, but still have direct
     access to the rows in the table, gives you better performance by
     minimizing disk reads.  This is very useful when you are archiving
     things.  Note: myisampack.

   * MySQL has internal support for fulltext search. Note: Fulltext

   * You can access many databases from the same connection (depending
     of course on your privileges).

   * MySQL is coded from the start to be multi-threaded while
     PostgreSQL uses processes.  Context switching and access to common
     storage areas is much faster between threads than between separate
     processes, this gives MySQL a big speed advantage in multi-user
     applications and also makes it easier for MySQL to take full
     advantage of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) systems.

   * MySQL has a much more sophisticated privilege system than
     PostgreSQL.  While PostgreSQL only supports `INSERT', `SELECT', and
     `UPDATE/DELETE' grants per user on a database or a table, MySQL
     allows you to define a full set of different privileges on
     database, table and column level.  MySQL also allows you to
     specify the privilege on host and user combinations.  Note:

   * MySQL supports a compressed client/server protocol which improves
     performance over slow links.

   * MySQL employs a "table handler" concept, and is the only relational
     database we know of built around this concept.  This allows
     different low-level table types to be swapped into the SQL engine,
     and each table type can be optimized for different performance

   * All MySQL table types (except *InnoDB*) are implemented as files
     (one table per file), which makes it really easy to backup, move,
     delete and even symlink databases and tables, even when the server
     is down.

   * Tools to repair and optimize *MyISAM* tables (the most common
     MySQL table type).  A repair tool is only needed when a physical
     corruption of a data file happens, usually from a hardware
     failure.  It allows a majority of the data to be recovered.

   * Upgrading MySQL is painless.  When you are upgrading MySQL, you
     don't need to dump/restore your data, as you have to do with most
     PostgreSQL upgrades.

Drawbacks with MySQL compared to PostgreSQL:

   * The transaction support in MySQL is not yet as well tested as
     PostgreSQL's system.

   * Because MySQL uses threads, which are not yet flawless on many
     OSes, one must either use binaries from
     `', or carefully follow our
     instructions on
     `' to get an
     optimal binary that works in all cases.

   * Table locking, as used by the non-transactional `MyISAM' tables, is
     in many cases faster than page locks, row locks or versioning.  The
     drawback however is that if one doesn't take into account how table
     locks work, a single long-running query can block a table for
     updates for a long time. This can usable be avoided when designing
     the application.  If not, one can always switch the trouble table
     to use one of the transactional table types. Note: Table locking.

   * With UDF (user defined functions) one can extend MySQL with both
     normal SQL functions and aggregates, but this is not yet as easy
     or as flexible as in PostgreSQL.  Note: Adding functions.

   * Updates and deletes that run over multiple tables is harder to do
     in MySQL. This will, hoever, be fixed in MySQL 4.0 with multi-table
     `DELETE' and multi-table `UPDATE' and in MySQL 4.1 with subselects.

PostgreSQL currently offers the following advantages over MySQL:

Note that because we know the MySQL road map, we have included in the
following table the version when MySQL should support this feature.
Unfortunately we couldn't do this for previous comparison, because we
don't know the PostgreSQL roadmap.

*Feature*                                          *MySQL version*
Subselects                                         4.1
Foreign keys                                       4.0 and 4.1
Views                                              4.2
Stored procedures                                  4.1
Extensible type system                             Not planned
Unions                                             4.0
Full join                                          4.0 or 4.1
Triggers                                           4.1
Constrainst                                        4.1
Cursors                                            4.1 or 4.2
Extensible index types like R-trees                R-trees are planned
                                                   for 4.2
Inherited tables                                   Not planned

Other reasons to use PostgreSQL:

   * Standard usage in PostgreSQL is closer to ANSI SQL in some cases.

   * One can speed up PostgreSQL by coding things as stored procedures.

   * PostgreSQL has a bigger team of developers that contribute to the

Drawbacks with PostgreSQL compared to MySQL:

   * `VACUUM()' makes PostgreSQL hard to use in a 24/7 environment.

   * Only transactional tables.

   * Much slower `INSERT', `DELETE', and `UPDATE'.

For a complete list of drawbacks, you should also examine the first
table in this section.

MySQL-PostgreSQL benchmarks
Benchmarking MySQL and PostgreSQL

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