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Changes in release 3.23.39

   * The `AUTO_INCREMENT' sequence wasn't reset when dropping and
     adding an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column.

   * `CREATE ... SELECT' now creates non-unique indexes delayed.

   * Fixed problem where `LOCK TABLES table_name READ' followed by
     `FLUSH TABLES' put an exclusive lock on the table.

   * `REAL' @variables with was represented with 2 digits when
     converted to strings.

   * Fixed problem that client 'hung' when `LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER'

   * Running `myisamchk --fast --force' will no longer repair tables
     that only had the open count wrong.

   * Added functions to handle symbolic links to make life easier in

   * We are now using the `-lcma' thread library on HP-UX 10.20 so that
     MySQL will be more stable on HP-UX.

   * Fixed problem with `IF()' and number of decimals in the result.

   * Fixed date-part extraction functions to work with dates where day
     and/or month is 0.

   * Extended argument length in option files from 256 to 512 chars.

   * Fixed problem with shutdown when `INSERT DELAYED' was waiting for
     a `LOCK TABLE'.

   * Fixed coredump bug in `InnoDB' when tablespace was full.

   * Fixed problem with `MERGE' tables and big tables (> 4G) when using
     `ORDER BY'.

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