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Changes in release 3.23.40

   * Fixed problem with `--low-priority-updates' and `INSERT''s.

   * Fixed bug in slave thread when under some rare circumstances it
     could get 22 bytes ahead on the offset in the master.

   * Added `slave_wait_timeout' for replication.

   * Fixed problem with `UPDATE' and `BDB' tables.

   * Fixed hard bug in `BDB' tables when using key parts.

   * Fixed problem when using the `GRANT FILE ON database.* ...';
     Previously we added the `DROP' privilege for the database.

   * Fixed `DELETE FROM table_name ... LIMIT 0' and `UPDATE FROM
     table_name ... LIMIT 0' acted as though the `LIMIT' clause was not
     present (they deleted or updated all selected rows).

   * `CHECK TABLE' now checks if an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column contains
     the value 0.

   * Sending a `SIGHUP' to `mysqld' will now only flush the logs, not
     reset the replication.

   * Fixed parser to allow floats of type `1.0e1' (no sign after `e').

   * Option `--force' to `myisamchk' now also updates states.

   * Added option `--warnings' to `mysqld'. Now `mysqld' only prints
     the error `Aborted connection' if this option is used.

   * Fixed problem with `SHOW CREATE TABLE' when you didn't have a

   * Properly fixed the rename of `innodb_unix_file_flush_method' to

   * Fixed bug when converting `UNSIGNED BIGINT' to `DOUBLE'. This
     caused a problem when doing comparisons with `BIGINT' values
     outside of the signed range.

   * Fixed bug in `BDB' tables when querying empty tables.

   * Fixed a bug when using `COUNT(DISTINCT)' with `LEFT JOIN' and
     there wasn't any matching rows.

   * Removed all documentation referring to the `GEMINI' table type.
     `GEMINI' is not released under an Open Source license.

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