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Changes in release 3.23.6

   * Added `mysqld' option `-O lower_case_table_names={0|1}' to allow
     users to force table names to lowercase.

   * Added `SELECT ... INTO DUMPFILE'.

   * Added `mysqld' option `--ansi' to make some functions `ANSI SQL'

   * Temporary tables now starts with `#sql'.

   * Added quoting of identifiers with ``' (`"' in `--ansi' mode).

   * Changed to use snprintf() when printing floats to avoid some buffer
     overflows on FreeBSD.

   * Made `[floor()' overflow safe on FreeBSD.

   * Added option `--quote-names' to `mysqldump'

   * Fixed bug that one could make a part of a `PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL'.

   * Fixed `encrypt()' to be thread safe and not reuse buffer.

   * Added `mysql_odbc_escape_string()' function to support big5
     characters in MyODBC.

   * Rewrote the table handler to use classes.  This introduces a lot
     of new code, but will make table handling faster and better.

   * Added patch by Sasha for user-defined variables.

   * Changed that `FLOAT' and `DOUBLE' (without any length modifiers)
     are not anymore fixed decimal point numbers.

   * Changed the meaning of `FLOAT(X)': Now this is the same as `FLOAT'
     if X <= 24 and a `DOUBLE' if 24 < X <= 53.

   * `DECIMAL(X)' is now an alias for `DECIMAL(X,0)' and `DECIMAL' is
     now an alias for `DECIMAL(10,0)'.  The same goes for `NUMERIC'.

   * Added option `ROW_FORMAT={default | dynamic | static |
     compressed}' to `CREATE_TABLE'.

   * `DELETE FROM table_name' didn't work on temporary tables.

   * Changed function `CHAR_LENGTH()' to be multi-byte character safe.

   * Added function `ORD(string)'.

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