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Changes in release 3.23.7

   * Fixed workaround under Linux to avoid problems with
     `pthread_mutex_timedwait', which is used with `INSERT DELAYED'.
     Note: Linux.

   * Fixed that one will get a 'disk full' error message if one gets
     disk full when doing sorting (instead of waiting until we got more
     disk space).

   * Fixed a bug in `MyISAM' with keys > 250 characters.

   * In `MyISAM' one can now do an `INSERT' at the same time as other
     threads are reading from the table.

   * Added variable `max_write_lock_count' to `mysqld' to force a
     `READ' lock after a certain number of `WRITE' locks.

   * Inverted flag `delayed_key_write' on `show variables'.

   * Renamed variable `concurrency' to `thread_concurrency'.

   * The following functions are now multi-byte-safe:
     `LOCATE(substr,str)', `POSITION(substr IN str)',
     `LOCATE(substr,str,pos)', `INSTR(str,substr)', `LEFT(str,len)',
     `RIGHT(str,len)', `SUBSTRING(str,pos,len)', `SUBSTRING(str FROM
     pos FOR len)', `MID(str,pos,len)', `SUBSTRING(str,pos)',
     `SUBSTRING(str FROM pos)', `SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count)',
     `RTRIM(str)', `TRIM([[BOTH | TRAILING] [remstr] FROM] str)',
     `REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)', `REVERSE(str)',
     `INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr)', `LCASE(str)', `LOWER(str)',
     `UCASE(str)' and `UPPER(str)';  Patch by Wei He.

   * Fix core dump when releasing a lock from a non-existent table.

   * Remove locks on tables before starting to remove duplicates.

   * Added option `FULL' to `SHOW PROCESSLIST'.

   * Added option `--verbose' to `mysqladmin'.

   * Fixed problem when automatically converting HEAP to MyISAM.

   * Fixed bug in HEAP tables when doing insert + delete + insert +
     scan the table.

   * Fixed bugs on Alpha with `REPLACE()' and `LOAD DATA INFILE'.

   * Added `mysqld' variable `interactive_timeout'.

   * Changed the argument to `mysql_data_seek()' from `ulong' to

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